Welcome to My Home/Unschool Page. After reading tons of information on other sites, I realized that I wasn't homeschooling. I am Unschooling and thought I was slacking. I don't have a classroom set up and I don't make them do paperwork everyday. They are constantly in a learning state, from the time they wake up until they FINALLY fall asleep. :) I have a lot of links to add, now that I have found out exactly what it is that I was trying to do and thought I was the only one. Come back soon and I will have sites with all of the answers to your questions on Unschooling and Homeschooling. Feel free to Look Around and I hope you find lots of ideas.
FAMILY UNSCHOOLERS NETWORK Lots and lots of things for homescoolers and unschoolers. Also has a message board.
SCHOOL IS DEAD, LEARN IN FREEDOM This is one you have to see. Click on the highlighted 'table of contents' to see all of the wonderful things on this site.
DUMBING US DOWN A review of John Taylor Gatto's book, "Dumbing Us Down" with excerpts . He was a public school teacher for years and won awards for it. He gives us plenty of reasons to homeschool in this excellent book.
UNSCHOOLING UNDEFINED Actually, this is an article about things that public school does that stop learning
THE NATURAL CHILD PROJECT A wonderful essay on why we should homeschool our children and keep them close to us.
SCHOOL DISCOVERY ZONE Lesson plans, free educator guide and e-mail lists. There is a TV calander and more.
HOMESCHOOL WORLD This page has everything! Articles, Organizations from every state, homeschool events, legal defense and book reviews. You have to go look.
HOME SCHOOLERS FORUM This is a really nice site. There are products, ideas for you, chat, kids only pages and homeschool humor.
HOMESCHOOL ZONE Great site. Crafts, recipes, stuff for mom's and dad's. There are also things for kids.... penpals, links and more. Chat for mom and dad too.
WEB ADVENTURES Terrific adventures. Find other life in space or track tigers in Africa. Lots to do at this site.
SOCIAL SECURITY YOUTHLINK Teaching kids how social security works in their language!Personally, I don't think it will be there when most of us need it, but who knows.
SESAME STREET CENTRAL Activities,printable coloring books and lots of other things for little ones to do.
US GENWEB KIDZ Kids page on researching their anscestors.
EGYPTIAN HEIROGLYPHS Transcribes words into heiroglyphs. E-mail a message to your friends and let them decode it using this site!
LITTLE EXPLORERS Picture dictionary with links to sites pertaining to the word. Great!!