black cats line  


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you missed my website's first page.  Click here to go there.)

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I am very sad to say that Sweetcakes went to Rainbow Bridge on September 19, 2007. Her health was failing and we had to let her go. She would have been 14 years old on November 2nd. This has been a very hard year for me and my family. I lost my mother in August, then six week later my daughter's future mother-in-law died and one week after she died, we had to put Sweetcakes to sleep. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. Sweetcakes - 11-2-93 to 9-19-07

 Hello and welcome!

We're so glad you're here!  Come on in, I'd like you to meet my Woof-muffins . . .

. . . . . . well, it seems you've just met Miss Sweetcakes Kissybug, my Pekingese.  She's a marvelous watchdog.  My daughter always says that an "ant" couldn't get into our house without Sweetcakesknowing it.
(The photo above is when Sweetcakes was  a puppy.  She was barking at something or another.   Look at all that puppy fur fluff!)

Sweetcakes snores when she sleeps.  Wanna hear what she
sounds like?  Click here.

Hmmm . . . now where could she be . . . ?  Oh, my other Woof-muffin is my Shih Tzu, Miss Maybelline Jellybean.  She must be off somewhere playing with one of her toys.  She is so happy and playful and just loves her toys (especially the squeaky ones!). Oh - well now, here's Jellybean.

She is playing with her . . . . .

. . . Oops!  As you can see, it's not a
squeaky toy this time.  This is Jellybean's favorite deck of cards.  I think this game is called "whoever ends up with  the most treats wins".


  Aah!  Poor Jellybean!


Trying to be the winner of the most treats is a tough job - but someone has to do it!

 Time for a snooze!

  Well, my two little Woof-muffins are just a joy to have around.  They are loving and loyal and affectionate along with being independent, spunky and silly little mad hatters.  If I told you the handicap that each of them has, you probably wouldn't believe that they could even walk very well, let alone run around like they do at mega speeds.   Just read their story for yourself on the rescue page of the Shih Tzu-L List homepage. . . . . . . but don't forget to come back!  There's lots more to see!

If you would like to take this banner and put it on your website,
it would be greatly appreciated!  Please link it to:

Here's Jellybean proudly wearing her SAR 'Dana.


Click on a paw print to check out the
   Rest of my page . . .

Tribute to "Simcha", my first Pekingese darling
Read a story written by Sweetcakes
Read a poem written by Sweetcakes 
My LINKS page
The Holiday Pages
Take a typing test!
Awards I've Received page



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Please take a few minutes to visit our good friend,
Wheely Willy.  We really enjoyed his website
and know you will, too!


Adopt your own snowglobe at the Random Act of Kindness website!
(click on the snowglobe to get there, but please come back!  There's a lot more to see here!

This Pekingese Web Ring site is owned by 
Joanne Porter
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"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress
can be measured by the way its animals are treated."

- Mahatma Gandhi -

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"Joanne's Woof-muffins" copyright © 1998 - 2006 by Joanne  M. Porter
premiered March 1998
All of the graphics seen here are being used with permission.