Fouty and Allied Families
Allied Families:
Akin, Bowen, Burdge, Callahan, Cooley, Cramer, Duncan, Foley, Francis, Gneuden, Griffin, Hampsten, Harris, Hart, Herald, Hickox, Hoobler, Houck, Huddleston, Jones, Lake, Nash, O'Dell (Odell), Reynolds, Romine (Romeyn), Roth, Shadley (Shadla), Shook, Slusser, Spencer, Tharp, Wright and many others!!
Please feel free to contact Richard and Misty at should you find someone in the next few pages that is in your line. We would gladly accept additions and/or corrections. Please note that information on all living persons has been excluded to protect their privacy.
John Justice Fouty and his descendants
Surnames include: Akin, Bowen, Burdge, Callaham, Cooley, Cramer, Duncan, Fouty, Griffin, Hampsten, Harris, Hart, Herald, Hickox, Hoobler, Huddleston, Lake, Nash, O'Dell (Odell), Shadley, Shook, Tharp and WrightJohannes Shadla and his descendants
Surnames include: Beason, Bennett, Bishop, Blake, Blefs, Foley, Francis, French, Frost, Gneuden, Higgins, Houck, Hudson, James, Kiser, McColley, Montgomery, Moorman, Nacr, Oglesbee, Oglesvie, Ohlinger, Oliver, Pendulum, Pierson, Powers, Reynolds, Riley, Romine, Roth, Shadley (Shadla), Slusser, Sodders, Spencer, Wages and all the names from John Justice Fouty and his descendants.Fouty and Allied Families Obituary Page
Newspaper Tidbits
Cemetery Listings
McFadden Cemetery, Jasper County, Illinois
Oblong City Cemetery, Oblong, Crawford County, Illinois
Walnut Cemetery, Clark County, Illinois
Yale Cemetery, Yale, Jasper County, IllinoisUSGenWeb sites our Fouty's and their Allied Families have been found in:
Illinois Trails: History & Genealogy of Jasper County, IL
Illinois Trails: History & Genealogy
Updated December 6, 2000