Versión en español





Beside Jataté River, in the northeast of Chiapas, an archeologic zone is located, its name: Toniná, that means "stone house" in tzeltal. That name was given by people who lived around this site in the end of last century when they saw, within the rainforest, vestiges from an old civilization. Grand parents used to say that during the rains it was possible to find little jade figures and idols downstream the brooks. Some years later archeologic groups, such as the french mission, arrived to start excavations in this area.

This archeologic zone has been orientated with the first light of the shorter day of year. The ground to play ball game is located in the lowest area. That game was very important within the mayan culture, it was more than a simple game, was a rite, a ceremony. Ground was believed as a link among life and death. Tonina was built by cycles. All buildings are distributed on seven platforms which have different architectonic characteristics. There were three dinasties whom had the power of Tonina. This city got its whole splendour among VII th and early X th centuries after J. C. when other mayan cities such as Palenque, Bonampak and Yaxchilan had been abandoned by their inhabitants. It is thought this old mayan city was the most important site all around Ocosingo´s valley, people from other populations used to come here to pay taxes.

An important feature of this city is the ever-changing architecture. In Tonina last constructions used to be destroyed and the new ones arose over the firsts´ ruins; thus, a new cycle began.

Aspecto de Toniná aún bajo la selva

Tonina in the beginning of XX th century

Gobernantes y/o prisioneros de Toniná

In this picture there are some sculptures from Tonina. Perhaps they symbolize gobernors or prisioners .

Among mayas from Old Mexico it was believed that everything repeats again after a period of 260 years, even history. So, a complete knowledge of calendaric cycles, time, and the movement of stars was a necessary requirement to have a whole control of power. This situation was represented on a four pages´ mural in Tonina. Four as, four cardinal points and four seasons of the year, through which Kukulcan and Huracan (gods of life an death) stroll. In its last epochTonina´s sacred temples were dedicated to Huracan (Tezcatlipoca).

Panorámica de la zona arqueológica de Toniná

A panoramic view of Tonina, the highest acropolis of Old Mexico.

How to get there? You can arrive to Ocosingo, Chiapas from Villahermosa Tabasco by bus, through the route Villahermosa-Palenque-Ocosingo. There are first and second class buses. Or, through the Tuxtla-San Cristóbal-Ocosingo road. In Ocosingo there are public transportation and taxis going to the archeologic zone. It takes about 15 minutes from Ocosingo to Tonina.


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