This is me in the back yard at Spring time. I love to go outside but I don't get to do it very often cuz I tend to get in trouble!
So anyway, I said I get to go outside sometimes. Well, I try to behave, but sometimes it's hard to do. I mean, when I see the garage door open and mom looks busy, I seize the opportunity, and run! She starts yelling, and that scares me, plus I guess I'm not real used to being outside, so to please her, I run up to the front door.
Sometimes when the weather's nice, she takes me outside and puts a little harness dealie on me. Well, it's not my favorite but if that's how I get to go out, I put up with it. Then I get to watch the bugs and butterflies and birds.
I do have to be careful, and watch for puppies in the neighborhood, tho.
OK, so there's a new little critter in my house, and I don't know if I like that or not. So, I guess I'll have to show her who's boss. She sure jumps around alot, and that makes me nervous. Oh, there's a place at the bottom of my pages to click to see whatever this is about. It's called Libby's page.
Phew! Well, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!