
AM reception links for cars

There are a couple of articles on car and auto radio reception on the Crane web site.

Car Radio Reception

More than links, you get commentary that tells you a little about what you will get before you click. This page is for your car or truck, I have another page for home and office AM radio.

Once again the Australians have addressed the subject at the ABC site.

The ABC tips on AM in vehicles

The BBC used to have a web page on radio reception in your car, it is for both AM and FM. Remember AM is usually called medium wave outside the USA.

Radio Reception on the Move

This was from a web site by Colorado Public Radio does not have much but it may have some things that others do not.

Colorado Public Radio. Colorado Public Radio has taken this page down, I am linking to the an old page on archive.org. Which by the way is a very useful site with old web pages.

The famous C. Crane and Company has antennas for improving auto AM radio reception. They claim that one that costs about 35 dollars can double your AM reception and may improve FM. Crane includes some information on its site. Click on index to products and then click on auto antennas in the antenna section.

C. Crane

Satellite radio works in your car. Catholics can get EWTN on Sirius Satellite Radio in both English and Spanish. click on what is on Sirius and then on Entertainment. Sirius also has many other things you might like.

Another solution is to record your favorite radio programs at home and play them back in the car. I have a web page with tips and links on timed radio recording which may help.

On Site Radio Pages

  • Original tips and links for home AM Radio reception
  • Probably the most complete guide to home AM radio reception on the Internet. My ideas plus those of many other sites.
  • A new page of links and tips on FM radio reception tips
  • A new page on short-wave equipment for EWTN
  • Timed radio recording
  • Sacramento area Catholic radio
  • Answers to questions on AM radio reception

    Return to the main AM radio reception page.


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