olmchurch.JPG (233038 bytes)  Our Lady of Mt Carmel

Asbury Park, New Jersey


What's New?

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The Eucharistic Liturgy

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Other Important Data

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805 Pine St.

Asbury Park, NJ 07712

732 775-1056




Call us

Rectory 775-1056 or 775-1057

School 775-8989

Bingo Hall  774-9625

Parish Center 776-9859

Carmel Hall 775-9561

Religious Education Office 988-5060

Convent 774-5716


Diocese of Trenton

EWTN at Our Lady of the Angels Monastery & Mother Angelica



The Vatican Homepage - http://www.vatican.va/

Catholic Calendar Definition Page - http://www.easterbrooks.com/personal/calendar/rules.html

Catechism of the Catholic Church - http://www.christusrex.org/www1/CDHN/ccc.html

Catholic Answers - http://www.catholic.com

Catholic Online Saints & Angels - http://saints.catholic.org/index.shtml

Mass while travelling - 1-800-627-7846 - http://www.masstimes.org/

National Catholic Educational Asso. - http://www.ncea.org/

Catholic Online http://www.catholic.org


BINGO Fridays and Sundays at 6:30 PM


$New Games for 2006.

$1,000 in prizes, two fifty/fifty games on Sunday.




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Last modified: August 26, 2004