Peggy gewinnt zwei Wochen mit Jim Jupiter, dem gesündesten Mann von Chicago. Doch anstatt Peg zu einer gesünderen Lebensweise zu verhelfen, sitzt er schon bald neben ihr auf der Couch und ißt Bonbons. Das bleibt nicht ohne Auswirkungen auf seine Gesundheit ...
A two-week visit from "the healthiest man in Chicago" evolves into a test of wills between contest-winner Peggy and the TV aerobics instructor who makes her pant in ways other than she desires. At the end of the week, we learn who had the strongest will when Jim is sitting on the couch eating bon-bons. Unfortunately for Peg, he also drops dead. [Note: the episode ends with the following message -- "This show is dedicated to our brother the mighty cockroach. Let him show us the way."]