
Miss Faltblatt
Desperately Seeking Miss October

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Als eine junge Frau bei ihm Schuhe kaufen will, identifiziert Al sie sofort als das Playmate des Monats 10/87. Zu Hause will Al Steve das entsprechende Heft zeigen, muß aber feststellen, daß Peg seine komplette Playboy-Sammlung verkauft hat. Daraufhin erscheint Al der Geist seines Vaters, der ihn auffordert, die Playboys, die er einst zu sammeln begann, wiederzubeschaffen.


When a playmate comes into Al's store, he is eager to get home and look up her issue. But Al is a broken man when he finds that Peggy has sold his family heirloom (the meticulously cared-for collection of Playboy magazines), to buy a good-luck charm to win the lottery. Ed O'Neill plays the ghost of Al's father, who encourages him to get some self respect back, so Al forces Peg to get his Playboy's back. Which she does by selling his car. [Note: Brandi Brandt was the Playboy centerfold for October, 1987]

Bilder in Bundyland von Mark J. Cox:
Pictures at Bundyland by Mark J. Cox:

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Mail: Robert "2BOB" Cerveny