
Al wird Unternehmer

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Um bei einem bankinternen Wettbewerb eine Reise zu gewinnen, bewilligt Steve einen Kredit über $ 50.000 für Al, der damit als "Dr. Shoe" eine "Schuh-Hotline" eröffnet. Natürlich ruft trotz seiner Fernsehwerbung niemand an ...


Steve may be booted out of his bank after he okays a $50,000 loan to Al, who has plans afoot for a new telephone service to solve shoe problems. Al becomes "Dr. Shoe" at 555-SHOE - but nobody calls, despite his TV ads. Marcy tries to help by loaning him another $50,000 from her bank to repay Steve, but Al spends that as well. Steve loses his job over the loan, and Marcy gets demoted to drive-up teller.

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Mail: Robert "2BOB" Cerveny