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The Gas Station Show

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Al führt die neue Regel ein, die den Sonntag zum Tag der Familie erklärt. Gegen den Widerstand aller, setzt er eine Fahrt ins Blaue durch, die jedoch mangels Benzin kurz nach dem Start wieder endet.

Gemeinsam wird der Wagen zu einer Tankstelle geschoben. Dort geben die Kinder und Peggy so viel Geld für Knabbereinen aus, daß Al das nötige Kleingeld für das Benzin fehlt.


Al turns sentimental after watching the film "Shenandoah" on TV so he proclaims to the family that it is now "Bundy Sunday Funday", but first they must push the Dodge to a gas station. Unfortunately Al is broke after buying $2 worth of "full service" gas, and when the family raids the store for junk food he is stuck working off his debt at the pumps. When Al eventually forces Bud to help him, the first car to arrive contains four platinum blondes of the Swedish Bikini Team. This leaves Al with the Chicago Bowling Team, consisting of four very large women.

Bilder in Bundyland von Mark J. Cox:
Pictures at Bundyland by Mark J. Cox:

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Mail: Robert "2BOB" Cerveny