Monday, February 02, 1998 - Sound Design

Went by Outpost today to see what Dave had come up regarding sound design. I was dead impressed by what he showed me. The 2nd part of the film is really coming together soundwise. It builds from part one and takes over in part two. Dave's got a great feel for what the movie is about and I've decided to pretty much leave him alone on this, see what he comes up with. It's funny, but many of the initial sound elements in the initial script he's coming up with on his own, e.g. the Native American chant thing. What's up with that?

Dave and Sean are meeting tomorrow to go over sound and music issues. I'll get with each of them and see how it's going. We've decided to hold off on sound mix and more sound design until Dave has Sean's music since these two elements need to work together.


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