Thursday, February 05, 1998 - Things

So little time left, yet it seems like there's so much to do. Feels like the hardest part. Kind of like climbing a mountain that's steepest at the very end, though you can hear the ocean on the other side and know it can't be very far away.

Looks like Dave and Sean will work together well. I'm excited to see how it will unfold on the final sound mix. Funny, but we're talking about a few days away. Doesn't seem possible.

Meanwhile I have to get in touch with Zachary and sort out the reel two problem, and with the conforming lab and Alpha Cine. I also need to sort out the titles. I think Immaculate matching can help with that as I'm sure they've worked with a few. I'm thinking this aspect should be straightforward.

Need to check up on the film festival scene. I've been lax on this and I'm sure some key deadlines have slipped by.

Finished organizing my receipts last night, and updated the budget.


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