Yesterday's errand list was a little ridiculous, traveling to and from the city so many times. But it really was necessary, crucial in fact.
Looks like one of the mags is causing a scratch. Not a bad scratch, but not trivial. I'll need to talk to the lab Monday and see what the options are. Meanwhile I am limited to one magazine for this weekend's shoot.
Lab fees are adding up. Time to pull on the reserves. Meanwhile I'm starting to feel what all this stress is doing to my frame of mind. Time to just bite the bullet and get it done.
Funny. I think back on what I thought my problems were 5 months ago and how different it all turned out. I thought the biggest obstacle was to find people to be in the film. Production would be a breeze, something I could get done in a few weekends of really hard work. But it was something you need to go through to learn what it really takes. No book could prepare you for it. Just get yourself lots of sleep before hand and learn how to manage stress the best you can and still keep your focus, what it is you're trying to achieve. So what if you lose your mind along the way?
Got the various rooms ready for tonight's shoot. Hope everyone comes through with their deliverables.
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