Sunday, August 17, 1997 - "And that's a Wrap"...

Crawling to the finish line. This weekend almost did me in, but I feel I've officially completed principal photography. Gate's clean. Let's send it off to the lab and get to post.

But there are still a lot of things to do before the edit. I definitely need to collect a lot of wild track sound, and sort through the B roll footage that I shot a while back. Essentially I need to gather all of the pieces that I will need for the finished product. This list will all become clear once I go through the rough dub exercise. It would be much more efficient (and a lot cheaper) if I can sort it all out before the rough edit, though, since the rough edit comes after I've already gotten film back from Monaco. If I keep sending little snippets to them it'll cost me a fortune. I need to think the whole film through, start to finish, visualizing any thing that's missing. Not a trivial task.

Things To Do:

I also need to make some type of VHS promo to include in a press packet of sorts.

This all has to happen sooner than later. I can do some on Wednesday. But it also looks like my weekend will be jam-packed.

Today I cleaned my place from top to bottom, heavy on the Pine-Sol. listening to Romeo and Juliet. It's the first time I've heard it without it sounding the least bit cliche. It was beautiful.


Auribus teneo lupum.

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