Doing okay on my weekend action items so far. I packed up all of the film and put it in the refrigerator. I'll ship it out Tuesday, which should give me enough time to get it back for the transfer. Bought leader and met with Karen and Zachary. Had a real nice talk with them about what I need to give them and when. We also mapped out a rough game plan. Now the onus is on me to come up with the deliverables.
I went down to Fremont and got some takes of airplane noise. It's funny. How often does a director purposely try to to capture and isolate plane noise? It's pretty hard to get a clean take, with the wind and ambient sounds. I think I got a couple takes that were useful, though.
I have a feeling that wild track will prove very valuable during the editing process. No telling what extra sounds will come in handy. During production it would be a very wise thing to collect wild track all along, not just tone of locations you're shooting (though this is extremely important), but also stuff that you don't think you'll need, but that sounds interesting. It's so hard and very time consuming to collect that stuff after filming. And some sounds seem to have a touch of serendipity: They're only around when you're not looking for them, e.g. airplane noise. It seems we were always hodling for very loud planes overhead. But try looking for one when the mikes are set up and you want to record it.
Tomorrow I'll start stringing together the B roll and work some more on the dub.
I added as a link to the book page. Looks like a great way to order books (e.g. Baseball Heaven ;^). Tell all your friends.
Spoke to Shilah on the phone. That girl is too much. She's living the dormitory dream, and just doesn't realize it...
Varium et mutabile semper femina.
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