I've been wrestling with the best way to proceed through to the finished edit. The rough dub isn't necessarily the order that I'll finish with. I think it would be best, then to not be too detailed when it comes to shot/reverse shot. I should specify the master take and time code range for these, then I should specify the reverse shots and where I'd like to see their initial insertions. If they download the whole takes for master and reverse shots (or alternates) it will be easy to change during the editing process. This is probably what they would do anyway. I should give them a call tomorrow.
A whole film without any over-the-shoulder shots! They always bugged me for some reason. Is the audience so stupid that they have to be reminded who's being spoken to in a normal conversation? If so, then maybe they shouldn't be watching your film.
I need to wrap up the rough edit by this Saturday. Then I can spend some time Sunday transcribing the edit information to the edit page. That should take me about three hours, I think.
Things to Do:
Nihil tam difficile est ut non possit studio investigari.
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