Tuesday, September 16, 1997 - Exposure

I've decided to give myself a deadline of this weekend to really finish this rough edit. Otherwise I can see myself tweaking it forever, and it's only really meant to be a guide. The more information I can get the editors the better, but that doesn't mean coming up with a polished gem of a rough edit. That would be a waste of my time, and time is becoming pretty essential right now.

Heard back from Zachary who is going to give me a sample of an editing log format that he normally uses. It would be good for me to use this if he'll be editing and it gives the information that is needed. At any rate I will start the logging tomorrow and would like to complete another 10-15 minutes of the edit as well. I'd also like to work with the "Falling in Love" sequence (Scene 18) and possibly the Dream sequence (Scene 23). I'll put these on a separate tape.

Keep on moving...


Rapiamus, amici, occasionem de die.

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