Saturday, October 04, 1997 - Piecewise Linear

Filled up a few more bins today. Catalogued the clips up to Scene 46 (New Mexico), about an hour into the film. I can probably finish tomorrow if I don't get lazy. Then I will be able to say the edit list is complete.

I'll have to save the the dub list for later in the week. Writing down the numbers corresponding to the dirty dub should be fairly easy: Just write them down from the dub tape, checking to make sure I'm using the best take. Matching Wild Track to takes will be a little more difficult since I don't have that all catalogued yet.

Come to think of it, I should probably catalogue the Wild Track before writing down the time code numbers for the dub. It would be best to get the Wild Track transferred to Beta first since it has to happen prior to downloading everything to computer. I'll see if I can start this after completing all of the bins, hopefully tomorrow.

Did a first pass of the Doppler Sequence, putting it on the sequence tape along with Night Life, Michael's Dream, Lake Michigan.


Ne me odisti. Non aliam rem debeo quam te amare.

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