Spent some more time working on the new screenplay. After writing out a prelminary listing of the scenes it was obvious that this film will be like Mary in Wonderland. She's in almost every scene. And when she isn't there's usually some action involving people talking about her, a fellow daydreaming about her, fantasizing about her. I'd best find an actress that's interesting, up to the challenge!
There are roughly 58 scenes. Mary appears in 48 Mary.
The professor is turning into an interesting character. He is the only player who is outside of the fray. He is to remain aloof, although in scene 57 there is a moment that you think he may become involved with Mary on a sexual level when she sleeps on his lap. He is a ground in a sense, or, more appropriately, a "sky". Not quite a parental figure, the professor has been in the college weeds, has enjoyed it, and can see it from a broader perspective, a higher level view. You get the sense that he might parachute back to earth at any time.
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