Sunday, December 21, 1997 - Out Of Darkness

So hard to keep a focus on the big picture. I guess that's the biggest challenge with making a film. So many headaches it's hard not to get sidetracked down some little alleyway filled with doom and gloom. I realized this on a long long walk. I'm right on the verge of daylight.

Figured out my finances and have a good plan. It requires the dreaded credit cards and their high interest rates, but only for a time. The important thing is to keep the ball rolling and be ready for March. The film will be shown somewhere.

Going over to the city tomorrow for what may be on of the final edit sessions. Meanwhile I need to follow up on this negative cutting business. Alpha Cine is sending me a quote on a 16mm print. Stil waiting on the music demo CD. Maybe I should ping that guy. And I need to listen to the tape Julie's friend sent me. I think it will save me money going into the sound mix session as prepared as I can be. No sense trying to come up with music on the fly there. Keep it small in scope. That's consistent with the nature of the film.


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