Personal Info

It's, ermm.. It's... Oh yes!  It's me! This is.. Ermm... Don't tell me, don't tell me! I know it.. It's on the tip of my tonuge.. Oh, what was it again? Ah! I got it, I got it! This is.... ME!
So you have decided to walk on the wild side, huh? You are daring to find out about... ME?! Oh, I do pity you, I really do. For now, not only will you fall asleep from terminal boredom, but I will have to call the men in the white coats to come take you away (rubber room on stand-by).
What is meant to go into a page like this anyway? I know! It should contain all those juicy, intimate things about my private life, right? Yeah, as if!! Instead you will treated to a brief glimpse into a world or strange and mythical creatures, arcane powers and legends as yet untold... (read: me, remembering to put the toilet seat down, and the time I woke up while it was still morning...)
Click on me! Click on me!!!

Andrew Collington - I have a middle name too - so now you know ;-)

Date of birth:
20th of May, 1974 - a glorious day for the world!

email: or
homepage: Well, d'uh! If you don't know the address by now...
snail mail: Just address it to "That gorgeous hunk o' manhood" and it'll soon get to me... Alright, so it won't, but it was worth a shot! (ok, ok.. You can stop laughing now! )

Two.. Both green... I'm not one of those dang freaks with two different colour eyes... (Hi Erica! ;-)

Thankfully!! Oh, it's brown, by the way, and it's also kinda long - a lot longer than in the picture above. I have a goatee too.

5'8" (ish)

What ever the scales say at the time ;-)  (like I would ever tell ya! Though the words "too bloody much" and "AARRGHHHHH!!!" spring to mind... ;-)

My girlfriend:
Lisa Chastain is a really wonderful woman, and very beautiful too (though you try getting her to admit to that! You have more chance of seeing Satan shovelling snow from his drive-way!!). When I last wrote this page I said that Lisa was going to come over to stay with me for a few weeks. Well, she did! :-) We had an amazing time and it was really hard to see her go. But all is well, because I am going to be spending Christmas with her! And not only that, but Lisa is moving back to England with me in January!! Cool, huh?
Let me just tell you a bit about what happened when Lisa was with me in July, 1997... Well, on the very first day we... That is to say we got up to... Ermm... (Lisa? Are your parents readin' this?!) Ahh.. I have it! We met in the airport and went back to my place.. Yeah, that's it... :-) We travelled around the country a little, saw Stone Henge, and the incredible Wood Henge. And, more importantly I think, fell in love even more! You just ask Lisa about Cow Spotting sometime and see what she remembers (like the dancing naked on the hay bails infront of a couple hundred people...)
Some of you may wonder how it is possible for one to be a girlfriend, or boyfriend, of someone who lives the other side of the world and who haven't (or rather hadn't) met. Well, you get to know someone very well.. You talk about anything and everything, you laugh, you joke around.. but it all comes down to you knowing this person inside; I mean really knowing them. And then it happens. You find out one day that you are in love. Oh, you may not want to be (I sure know I didn't!), but you just cannot help it. Then it doesn't matter how near or far you are from that person - nothing can change the way you feel. Make sense? No? Well sod ya then! :-P~

My interests:
Well, contrary to popular belief I do have a life and I do have interests... Ok, ok! I don't have a life, as such, to speak of, but I do still have interests! Let's see.. Ok, well I enjoy talkers a great deal because I chat on them and also program some. Go to my talker page to find out more information about which ones I go on the most. And why do I love them so much? Well, mainly because of the people I have met on there - some of which I have even had the very good fortune to meet! (though whether they can say the same about meeting me is up for debate ;-).
I love country music, which comes as a shock to quite a few people but I don't see why - country music is great stuff! It is.. Honestly! I like quite a few artists, including Garth Brooks, Alan Jackson, Terri Clark, Brooks & Dunn, Martina McBride, and.. well, let's just say there are more than a couple more I like ;-)
I enjoy reading sci-fi/adventure books. Three of my favourite authors are Terry Pratchett, Robert Rankin, and R. A. Salvatore. My favourite collection of books is the Discworld collection (by Terry Prachett).
Ok, so what have I left off? Oops! My clothes! How embarrassing.. *blush* Ok, now I have them on, what subjects have I left out? Quite a few I imagine! But of course, if you want to know anything from me then you're SICK!!! ermm, I mean, then please email me or come to my talker, Way Out West, and feel free to ask anything you like.

So what's the bum doing now:
I have a JOB!!!! (I know! I can't believe it either!) I am a web developer/IT support technician for a charity called AVERT, which is an AIDS Education and Research Trust based in Horsham, England. AVERT's homepage is at, and their email address is We produce free booklets giving information on lots of aspects of AIDS and HIV, including a very popular couple of booklets for young people and young gay men. We also answer any questions sent to us via email, snail mail or if you phone us.

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