Usual Warrens Page 2

[pic]Famous Monsters Cards:Here is a sampling of the 64 card set that was offered by Warren (Rosan) in 1963. Warren was trying to cash in on the monster card craze that was started with the Universal monsters card packs. The Universal cards were very well done with top quality pictures and a good description of the movie on the back. The Famous Monsters cards lacked both of these elements. Instead of providing a desciption of the movie, ads appeared on the reverse side. This were the same ads as had appeared in the magazines for the Captain mail ordering company. The pictures were poorly done with a strange tracing with only served to reinforce the cheesiness of the cards.

[pic]Horror of Party Beach: Also, known as Famous Films #1 this magazine was released by Warren in 1964. The magazine I think was meant to start a new series similar to Famous Monsters, but where each magazine would only deal with one particular movie. Thus, it was devoted to the movie for which it is entitled. I have never seen this movie but it looks interesting. Sort of like a 1960's beach party movie with monsters. Someday I hope to find a copy of this at a video store.

[pic] Mole People: This was the second of the series of Famous Films. I guess that the series was not a success because it was also the last of the series. This features another movie I would like to see.

[pic] Don Post Creepy and Eerie masks:These masks were first made in 1966. Don Post famous for producing high quality masks did an excellent job of rendering Uncle Creepy and Cousin Eerie. These masks came in three different versions: latex, vinyl, and rubber. They originally sold for $14.95, $8.95 and $4.95 respectively. The latex version was the deluxe version and came with real hair. The versions represented here are the rubber editions. These masks are quite rare but turn up once in a while. They usually sell for anywhere between $80-150 for the Cousin Eerie mask and $100-250 for the Uncle Creepy mask.

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