Unusual Warren's

Here is a list of some of the strangest Warren items.

[pic][pic]Dracula Dirt Pendant: This was offered in the Warren magazines. It has to be the tactiest necklace I have ever seen. (a personal favorite) It came with a certificate of authenticity stamped signed by James Warren himself. The dirt was supposed from the Dracula's castle in the Carparthian mountains of Romania commonly known as Transylvania.

Vampirella 9" Sticker: This sticker was offered free to people had a bought subscription to Vampirella. Later it was a available for sale by the Captain company for 99 cents. It is a very difficult item to find. I've only seen it advertized once in last 10 years and that one I bought. This is a picture of the sticker from my collection.

Flintstones at the New York World's Fair
(above): This was a comic produced for the 1964 New York World's Fair. There are no markings that obviously distinguish it as a Warren, but if you look at the publisher you can see JW Books Inc. (a.k.a. James Warren Books)

[pic][pic]Tiny Tim (left): Do you remember the ukulele song "Tip Toe Through the Tulips" by Tiny Tim? Well this book was all about him and it's just as strange as he was. Also if you removed some of the pages from inside and put them together, they formed a giant poster of Tiny Tim. It was published by Corncob productions and lives up to the name. If you look at the address of Corncob productions you'll notice that it is the same as the Warren headoffice. This was definitely a Warren and one Warren didn't want the credit for publishing.

Freak Out USA #1 and #2:These rare magazines were another attempt for Warren to expand into the non-horror market. They were basically rip-offs of "Teen Beat", but far worse. They are trully worth reading for the comedic element.

Heidi Saha: This magazine was a strange tribute to a young girl, who captured the hearts of James Warren and Forrest J. Ackerman. The magazine shows pictures of Heidi at the conventions she attended. It was at these Sci-fi and Monster conventions where she met Forrest J. Ackerman. She wears rather skimpy customes. For more information and a picture of this item visit the Top Ten Hardest Warrens page.


[pic][pic]Eerie Bikini Briefs:Another item offered in the pages of Warren magazines. I think the name says it all!


Teen Love Stories #1,2,3: These comic magazines had stories about love and articles like "Things You Never Tell a Boy!" or Nurse Ellen Andrews's advice column. It is a must read for any serious collector of junk.

Vampirella Mike Royer's Print:This 16" x 23" poster was printed in 1972 by "Stamina Productions" in black and white. It was withdrawn from sale due to the nudity content of one of the Vampirella images. On the back of it was stamped "stock #72 delete withdrawn".

[pic] [pic]Famous Monsters Speak (left):This was a 33 rpm record offered by Warren in the pages of Famous Monsters. Finally, we could hear Frankstein's monster speak. WOW! ;) Also, included on the record was dracula's voice.

Creepy and Eerie Patches (above right):These patches were very colorful and offered cheaply in the back pages of Warren magazines. There was also a Vampirella patch, which is very difficult to find; I'm still looking for one.

[pic] Odd Comix World of Richard Corben: (right) This large sized thick paperback book was printed in Spain in 1977. It featured color stories by Richard Corben. If you look in advertizement sections of Creepy, Eerie, or Vampirella, you can find it advertized. Oddly it was advertized with non-Warren magazines and books, unless you look carefully it hard to recognize it as a Warren. But by looking carefully, you can read "A Warren Adult Fantasy Publication." It is quite rare and a must for Corben fans.

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