Help Wanted

You don't have to look too hard to see that this site could do with a bit of an improvement in the graphics department. I'm looking for some one who'd like a shot at designing a whole new set of logos, some nice backgrounds, and a new feel to the site.

If your a dab hand at Paint Shop Pro, or you're into JAVA scripts or Shockwave and you'll like to help out I'd love to hear from you.

This site has won the award of Geocities Featured Homepage, and is now recieving extremely high exposure throughout the internet. Your work will be seen by LucasArts loving fans the world over. In their thousands!

So do you think you could make the L-Files feature look at bit more X-Filey? Do you have some ideas on a stylish look for the site? Can you portray the fun that this site tries to provide? This site recieves e-mail daily from fans - its incredibly popular.

I need YOU to take it on a stage. There are plans for a new Monkey Island 3 section, amongst other things so you'll always have enough to do if you want it.

Please get in contact with me and enjoy the fun.

Mail me: Martin Keen. I'd love to hear from you.

Please get in contact. I can't wait to hear from you.

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