Title Page
The Author
The Script
Read It!

You've read the script and you crave more information? You haven't read the script, but want to find the quickest way out of here? Well, choose from this veritable corncupia of URL's. I have linked to sites which I think will interest you, sites which are cool, and to sites were the owner has linked to me and I'll get flambed if I don't. These sites are in no order whatsoever, I didn't alphabetise and they are certainly not in order of preference. Sorry St Just, I didn't put you at the bottom on purpose.

    Alien Saga Links

  • Pray for the Prey
    This is a cool Alien site which holds any information you would care to know about the Alien saga. It does slant slightly towards Aliens (which isn't exactly unusual) but contains the biggest links section I've ever seen.
  • The Unofficial Alien 5 Site
    Yeah! Visit this site, please! This started off as a small site to tell people about all the rumours regarding the fifth film but now has erupted into a global, media-spanning fount. It also has a bit about me and if you really want to know about the fifth film then visit this site.
  • List of Alien ring sites
    You want to know something about the Alien saga? You're a fan who wants to check out Alien sites, but doesn't know were to start? Click here and list the 150+ sites in the Alien ring. If you want to know something about Aliens and it isn't here then you aren't looking properly!

    Completely Pointless (but cool) Stuff

  • Mr. T Vs ALIENS
    Okay, so I'm really not as serious as you might think. This is the funniest sight I have seen for awhile. If you think Mr T is funny then please visit this site and see him take on the acid-bleeding blighters.
  • 'Talk Tonight' Lyrics
    For those of you who have never heard of Oasis I have provided a link to a really cool Oasis site. This isn't as good as actually going out and buying the Some Might Say single and listening to the track, but it's the next best thing.

    Alien:Resurrection Stuff

  • Official Alien:Resurrection Home Page
    The official 20th Century Fox page is obviously awash with photos and information from behind the scenes of this movie. It is also fairly add-on heavy. If you've got the equipment (and the patience) then there is a lot of stuff here.
  • Alien:Resurrection Hate Page
    This site is very rarely updated and always seems half finished but if the author gets his act together it could be quite good. I just put this here to show that there are other Alien fans who hate Alien:Resurrection.
  • Alien Resurrection Final Draft Script
    You wan't to read what Alien:Resurrection should have been like? Well click here and read this copy of Joss Whedon's script in it's entirety before it was butchered by that frog! This is beautifully laid-out and coloured in and even has pics!
  • Alien:Resurrection Reviewed by Total Film
    This is the most accurate review of the film I have seen so far, and I agree with everything they say. I suggest you read this.
  • Japanese Alien:Resurrection poster
    Thanks to Dan G. for this one. This is a picture taken of the japanese version of the poster, pretty cool wouldn't you say?

    Other Alien Scripts Written by Fans

  • Alien:Metropolis Home Page
    This site is by another writer like myself who has written another Alien 5. Read his script in the chapters on the page and see what competition I have.
  • Alien Redemption
    Another script written by another Alien fan, this is quite good and has some good ideas (still not as good as mine, ha!). This is stored on the Alien 5 Unofficial Page if you wan't to know a little more about the author.
  • Info about Alien:Earthbound
    I found this by accident, but it tells the story of a screenwriter who wrote a screenplay for Alien 4 and Fox turned it down. He was a bit upset, understandably, but well, maybe they just didn't like it. No use crying over spilt milk, eh?

    Writer's Resources

  • Writers Guild of America (West) Web-Site
    Although I'm not a member (I'm not American either, come to think of it...), this site is one of the best resources for a writer I have found. It holds tonnes and tonnes of information from actual writers about anything you'd care to know, you just have to look. It also has the best links page you've ever seen. A writer's wet dream.
  • Baby Name Finder
    Huh? Babies? Well, it's far more useful than that. The hardest thing about writing (apart from RSI) is trying to come up with names for characters all the time. Well let this little beauty solve that problem for you. You can tell it all kinds of things about the name you want, how many syllables, gender, country of origin. It then outputs any possibilities. A life-saver.
  • Alta-Vista Translation Page
    Not only is this useful, it's completely cool! Input some text in the box, tell it what language you want to translate from and to and then click the button. Voila! Instant translation. If you want your character to sound really authentic and all foreign languages are like Greek to you, then check this out. Not only this, but if you enter a URL instead of a sentence then it will translate any web-page as well. The reason God made computers...