Sun Gonk's
The Eternal Flame



You are lucky mini-Gonk number . Rejoice!

Okay. To celebrate my 1000th hit I'm adding the Eternal Flame of Gonk to my page. In this you'll find out the true meaning of Gonk, what the Star Wars Trilogy is REALLY about, Gonk sightings and much much more! At the moment, The Etermal Flame of Gonk is heavily under construction... (Translation: I have nothing)... But this will soon be remedied! Once the Emperor is done scrubbing my floor I'll get him on this right away. So for now please continue to enjoy the rest of my page.
Sun Gonk

Excerpts from the Gonk Torah

George Lucas' reveals the truth about Lord Gonk.

Brian J. Moshe, one of the many deciples of Gonk was blessed with a vision from Gonk. See what Gonk had to say to him.

Eternal Gonk Links

Gonkite's Groovy Grotto
Gonk.. the box, the myth
The House of Gonk

Hollywood Ring

This Hollywood Ring site
is owned by Sun Gonk.

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