The Terminator FAQ

The Terminator Terminator 2: Judgment Day
T2 3-D: Battle Across Time Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


Version 4.20

Last updated: January 13, 2008


compiled and maintained by

Karsten A. Loepelmann


In association with Amazon.com


eXTReMe Tracking



Table of Contents

* indicates that the answer has been modified since the last major revision of this FAQ (v4.00)

+ indicates a new question

 [0.0] Introduction
*[0.1] Internet resources
*[0.2] Abbreviations
 [0.3] Questions that need answering


 [1.0] What are the different movie and TV versions?
 [1.1] The Terminator
   [1.1.1] What scenes were cut from the T1 theatrical release?
   [1.1.2] What is the T1 Special Edition?
   [1.1.3] What are some other alternate versions?
 [1.2] Terminator 2: Judgment Day
   [1.2.1] Why were scenes cut out of T2?
   [1.2.2] What scenes were cut from the T2 theatrical release?
     [] What is the alternate ending?
   [1.2.3] Other cut scenes
   [1.2.4] What is the T2 Special Edition?
  *[1.2.5] What is the T2 Ultimate Edition?
  *[1.2.6] What is the T2 Extreme DVD?
  *[1.2.7] What are some other alternate versions?
 [1.3] Terminator 2: 3-D (a.k.a. T2 3-D: Battle Across Time)
   [1.3.1] How is the Hollywood version of T2: 3-D different from the Florida version?
*[1.4] Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
  +[1.4.1] What scenes were cut from the T3 theatrical release?
+[1.5] Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles


 [2.0] What original motion picture soundtracks are available?
 [2.1] The Terminator
 [2.2] Terminator 2: Judgment Day
   [2.2.1] What songs in the movie are not on the T2 soundtrack?
 [2.3] Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
   [2.3.1] What songs in the movie are not on the T3 soundtrack?


 [3.0] What are the filmographies of some of the people involved with Terminator?
*[3.1] James Cameron
*[3.2] Arnold Schwarzenegger
*[3.3] Linda Hamilton
*[3.4] Robert Patrick
*[3.5] Kristanna Loken
*[3.6] Edward Furlong
+[3.7] Lena Headey


 [4.0] Plot questions
*[4.1] In what year are the films set?
 [4.2] Why does it take the T-1000 so long to show up at John's house in Reseda?
 [4.3] Why doesn't the security guard at Pescadero State Hospital notice the T-1000 on the floor?
 [4.4] Does the T-1000 have to touch the object it takes the form of?
 [4.5] Why does the T-1000 change back to the policeman at Pescadero State Hospital?
 [4.6] Why does the orderly in Pescadero State Hospital lick Sarah's face?
 [4.7] If dogs are used to identify Terminators, why doesn't the dog at the desert hideout bark at the Terminator?
 [4.8] Why does Sarah carve the words "NO FATE"?
 [4.9] Why doesn't Sarah kill Dyson?
 [4.10] What parts of the police officer does the T-1000 duplicate?
 [4.11] Why doesn't the T-1000 try to imitate Dyson and develop Skynet itself?
 [4.12] Does the T-1000 have a third arm when it is flying the helicopter?
 [4.13] What is that "ripple" that goes through the T-1000?
 [4.14] Why does the T-1000 take the shape of Sarah instead of the Terminator?
 [4.15] Why does the T-1000 try to get Sarah to call to John?
 [4.16] If the T-1000 is destroyed when it falls into the molten steel, why wasn't it destroyed when the semi tow-truck blew up?
 [4.17] Why doesn't the Terminator "disappear" when John throws the CPU into the molten steel?
*[4.18] Isn't the Terminator's arm being left behind in the huge gear going to lead to the creation of Skynet anyway?
 [4.19] When the T-1000 is on top of the elevator in Pescadero State Hospital, why doesn't it just cut the cables?
 [4.20] What is the make and model of the Terminator?
*[4.21] What about [insert continuity glitch here]?


*[5.0] Trivia
*[5.1] What actors were originally cast as the Terminator(s)?
 [5.2] How many lines did Arnold have in T1?
 [5.3] What is Harlan Ellison's connection to the Terminator movies?
 [5.4] What is the "crushing foot" motif?
 [5.5] Is "judgment" spelled correctly?
 [5.6] How did Linda Hamilton prepare for T2?
 [5.7] Does Linda Hamilton have a twin sister who appeared in T2?
 [5.8] What hardware/software was used to produce some of the FX in T2?
 [5.9] What machine code is displayed on the Terminator's visual display?
 [5.10] What is the literal translation of "Schwarzenegger"?
 [5.11] What does "Hasta la vista" mean?
 [5.12] Did the movies win any Academy Awards?
 [5.13] How much money did T2 make?
*[5.14] Is there a real Cyberdyne Systems and Skynet?
*[5.15] What is "Benthic Petroleum"?
 [5.16] What sunglasses did the Terminator and Sarah wear?
*[5.17] Where can I get Terminator parodies?
 [5.18] What are some of the weapons used in T1 and T2?
   [5.18.1] When the Terminator was firing the big machine gun in the Cyberdyne lab, was the bullet belt moving or not?
 [5.19] What kind of motorcycle was used in T2?
+[5.20] What is some trivia about the crane chase in T3?
+[5.21] Why didn't Edward Furlong play the adult John Connor in T3?
*[5.22] Miscellaneous trivia


 [6.0] Time travel questions
 [6.1] How did the (liquid metal) T-1000 travel to the past? Didn't they destroy the time machine?
 [6.2] How can Skynet exist if the chip and arm were destroyed?
 [6.3] If John gave a speech to Reese in 2029, who gave it to Sarah and conceived John in 1984, and then Sarah told it to John, then who wrote the bloody speech?
 [6.4] What are some good SF time-travel stories?


 [7.0] What Terminator books and comics are there?
 [7.1] The Terminator books
   [7.1.1] The Terminator (US novelization)
   [7.1.2] The Terminator (UK novelization)
   [7.1.3] The Terminator (BFI Modern Classics)
 [7.2] Terminator 2: Judgment Day books
   [7.2.1] Terminator 2: Judgment Day (novelization)
   [7.2.2] Terminator 2: Judgment Day: The Book of the Film: An Illustrated Screenplay
   [7.2.3] Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Mighty Chronicles)
   [7.2.4] T2: Infiltrator
   [7.2.5] T2: Rising Storm
   [7.2.6] T2: The Future War
   [7.2.7] Terminator 2: The New John Connor Chronicles, Book 1: Dark Futures
   [7.2.8] Terminator 2: The New John Connor Chronicles, Book 2: An Evil Hour
   [7.2.9] Terminator 2: The New John Connor Chronicles, Book 3: Times of Trouble
   [7.2.10] Terminator 2: Hour of the Wolf
 [7.3] Terminator 3 books
   [7.3.1] Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
   [7.3.2] Terminator 3: Terminator Dreams
   [7.3.3] Terminator Hunt
 [7.4] Now Comics
   [7.4.1] The Terminator
  *[7.4.2] The Terminator: The Burning Earth
   [7.4.3] The Terminator: All My Futures Past
 [7.5] Dark Horse Comics
   [7.5.1] The Terminator: Tempest
   [7.5.2] The Terminator: One Shot
   [7.5.3] The Terminator: Secondary Objectives
   [7.5.4] The Terminator: The Enemy Within
   [7.5.5] The Terminator: Hunters & Killers
   [7.5.6] The Terminator: Endgame
   [7.5.7] RoboCop Versus The Terminator
   [7.5.8] The Terminator: Death Valley
   [7.5.9] The Terminator: Suicide Run
   [7.5.10] The Terminator: The Dark Years
   [7.5.11] Superman vs. The Terminator: Death to the Future
   [7.5.12] Aliens vs. Predator vs. The Terminator
*[7.6] Marvel Comics
 [7.7] Malibu Comics
  *[7.7.1] T2: Cybernetic Dawn (aka "Present War")
   [7.7.2] T2: Nuclear Twilight (aka "Future War")
 [7.8] Beckett Comics
  *[7.8.1] Terminator 3
+[7.9] Dynamite Entertainment
  +[7.9.1] Terminator 2: Infinity


 [8.0] What Terminator games are there?
 [8.1] Arcade/Casino Games
   [8.1.1] T2: The Arcade Game
   [8.1.2] T2 Pinball
   [8.1.3] T3 Pinball
  +[8.1.4] The Terminator Pachisuro Slot Machine
 [8.2] Computer Games
   [8.2.1] The Terminator
   [8.2.2] Terminator 2: Judgment Day
   [8.2.3] T2: The Arcade Game
   [8.2.4] T2: Judgment Day Chess Wars
   [8.2.5] The Terminator 2029
     [] The Terminator 2029: Operation Scour
     [] The Terminator 2029 Deluxe CD Edition
   [8.2.6] The Terminator: Rampage
   [8.2.7] The Terminator: Future Shock
   [8.2.8] The Terminator: SkyNET
  *[8.2.9] Terminator 3: War of the Machines
 [8.3] Console Games
   [8.3.1] The Terminator
   [8.3.2] T2: The Arcade Game
   [8.3.3] Terminator 2: Judgment Day
   [8.3.4] Robocop versus The Terminator
   [8.3.5] The Terminator: Dawn of Fate
   [8.3.6] Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines
   [8.3.7] Terminator 3: The Redemption
 [8.4] Portable Games
   [8.4.1] T2 LCD
   [8.4.2] Game Gear
  +[8.4.3] Game Boy
  +[8.4.4] Game Boy Advance
  +[8.4.5] Mobil/Cell Phones


*[9.0] Will there be more Terminator movies?


 [10.0] Credits
 [10.1] Bibliography


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