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Insane management

Angry Customers

Stupid Customers

Deaf customers

Stories of the sublime

Customers trying a fast one


Deaf Customers

Chapter Two

Description Please
Apr 25, 2003
I keep getting calls from customers who have been given fault messages from the telephone network and haven't written them down.

I ask them what the fault message is, so I can tell what the problem is.

The customer says things like:

"It says there is a temporary something or other..."

"The message says; you were called today at 12:34, the number something or other..."

Or "I keep getting; The number you have called is something something...."

They always manage to forget the really important bit of the message.



Ringing Out
May 2, 2003
"My telephone's not ringing out."

Sometimes this means - the telephone is not ringing when I get a call.

And sometimes it means - I can't make call from this telephone.

So I always ask:

"Do you mean the phone isn't ringing, or do you mean you can't make calls?"

"My telephone's not ringing out."


Are We Speaking The Same Language?
May 6, 2003
Keep getting calls pass to me from 150 (customer service). They explain the situation, ie wiring in garden not deep enough and customer has gone over it with lawn mower.

Get customer passed, and I ask "I understand the cable wasn't deep enough in the garden and you went over it with the lawn mower. Is that correct?"

"No, what happened was I was cutting the grass and I heard this crunching noise and I looked down and the BT cable was in two pieces. It wasn't buried deep enough."

Isn't that what I just said?