If you're interested in writing fanfiction, contact me at: sammy3@ix.netcom.com

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All characters, names, and settings are property of Warner Bros. They are used here for fun and were not used in anyway to receive profit.

Hi all. Well, I had some unexpected time, so I came and finished my fanfic, so here you go. I really appreciate the good response that I have gotten with my fanfic. I would appreciate any comments at all, good or bad, about this story. Please email any comments to me at kfleck@falcon.lhup.edu. The rest of this story will follow in a second email. Thanks again and enjoy! -Kristen Fleck :)

"Happily Ever After"
Part One

Opening Scene: Mark & Susan are getting married.

It is the night before the wedding, and Dr. Susan Lewis is standing in her apartment, looking at her reflection in the mirror. She is wearing a veil. Tomorrow, she will become the bride of Dr. Mark Greene. With a nervous smile, she hopped into bed and turned off her light.

Scene One: Mark's Apartment

Mark Greene wakes up early this morning and looks at his clock. Only 6:30- still 7 1/2 more hours before he would be walking down the aisle with the woman of his dreams, his beautiful Susan. Mark knew he would never be able to get back to sleep, so he got up and went to his kitchen and made some coffee. He took the coffee and went into the living room and sat down and watched tv. Around 8:00, he decided to give his best friend, Dr. Doug Ross, a call. He knew that Doug worked last night, and should be awake by then. (Mark picks up the phone and dials Doug's number...phone is ringing.)

Doug: (sleepily) Hello?

Mark: Hey Doug! Did I wake you?

Doug: No...I just got up actually. How ya doing, bud?

Mark: Getting kind of nervous, actually. And excited...very excited!

Doug: (laughing) The cool, calm Dr. Mark Greene is nervous?? Who would have ever thought it was possible! (Mark laughs) I can believe how excited you are. If I was marrying....(breaking off)

Mark: If you were marrying...let me guess...Carol?

Doug: (protesting) Mark..I...

Mark: Oh Doug, admit it. When are you two going to admit how you feel and take the plunge?

Doug: Uh....Mark, I gotta go. Something came up, I will see you at the church. Bye. (Doug hangs up.)

Mark: (speaking to the receiver) Damn it, Doug! When are you going to let yourself be happy. (Hanging up the phone and sighing)

Mark turns off the TV and goes to get a shower. Scene closes.

Scene Two: The Wedding

Everyone is now starting to arrive at the church. Flash to the room where Susan is getting ready. Her maid of honor, Carol, and bridesmaids, Lydia, Haleh, and Chuny are all there, too. Rachel Greene, Mark's daughter and flower girl, is also in the room. They exit the room, leaving only Susan and Carol.

Susan: (looking nervous) Carol, can you help me with this veil?

Carol: (smiling) Sure, Susan. Nervous?

Susan: Oh, you better believe it. I can't believe I'm getting married today.

Carol: (hugging her) I'm so happy for you guys!

Susan: (slyly) So, you next?

Carol: (suprised) What??

Susan: (smiling) You know what I'm saying; you and Doug. Are you two ever going to hurry up and admit you still love each other?

Carol: Susan....I....

Susan: (interrupting) I know, Carol....you guys are too stubborn to let on how you feel. He still loves you, Carol. And I can see in your eyes how you feel.

Carol: (protesting) No...I...I....Oh, Susan, I can't lie to myself anymore. I am still in love with Doug. I do want to be with him again.

Susan: So, why aren't you telling him this?

Carol: It's just so complicated. I've turned him away so many times, why would he ever want me back?

Susan: Carol, he loves you. I can tell, everyone can tell. Everytime he looks at you, he lights up. (knock at door interrupts Susan. Haleh appears)

Haleh: Time for the bride.

Susan: (takes a deep breath) Ok, and Carol (pauses and turns to Carol) think about it when you walk down that aisle and see him, ok?

Carol: (gives Susan a half smile as they walk downstairs)

Music begins to play and Rachel starts down the aisle, followed by Carol, and then the bridesmaids. All Carol can think of as she walks to the front is what Susan said. Doug, who is Mark's best man, is standing next to Mark and notices Carol coming down the aisle lookin absolutely gorgeous in a rose colored dress. Doug's eyes sparkle as he sees her. He's beaming. Doug begins to imagine himself in Mark's place, and Carol in a beautiful white wedding gown walking toward him. He continues to have pictures flashing in his mind. Susan is now coming up the aisle. Everyone is smiling as she takes her place with Mark and the ceremony begins. Different times during Mark and Susan's vowels, Doug and Carol have been looking at each other. One time there eyes met. A slow grin spread across their faces and they continued to look and listen. Carol began to imagine her and Doug in Mark and Susan's place.

Carol: (thinking quietly to herself) What if Susan's right? Look at the two of us; we haven't been able to keep our eyes off each other through this whole ceremony. Can we still have something?

Pastor: (interrupting Carol's thoughts) You may now kiss your bride. (Mark and Susan kiss) Ladies and Gentleman, for the first time as husband and wife, Dr's. Mark and Susan Greene. (Everyone claps and cheers)

Now, Doug and Carol are looking straight at each other, smiling. It's like they are the only two in the room. Mark and Susan notice what is going on and have to pratically snap them out of it to walk back up the aisle. Doug walks to Carol, takes her arm, and they walk up the aisle, smiling still. Everyone leaves the church and heads to the reception.

End of Scene Two.

Part Two