Oklahoma State University

Tommy McBane's Home Page

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(My weak attempt at a graphical menu. All Garfield images ©PAWS.)


For free a free email account, go to Juno -- where "Email was meant to be free.®" If you don't want to wait until they decide to send you a copy, email me for an immediate copy.
I work at a la mode, inc. I spent many years of my life striving for a degree at Oklahoma State University majoring in Computer Engineering. I am a big fan of Cowboy football--OSU and Dallas. Dallas also has an official web site. The Official Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Home Page is here.

Basketball season is now here. If you have RealAudio, you can listen to OSU on the web at GameCruiser. (Check the schedule for the current game.) The game may not be accurate below, but the link is.

I am a graduate of Moore High School. Speaking of my high school, there is a very sweet dedication to my HS Spanish teacher here: Hellen Callaway.
OKC Movie Listings
SEEOKC site (Better setup)
9Online site (More theaters)
OKC Online

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This Page Was Last Updated on October 25, 1998.

To report outdated links or add a link send e-mail to

   mcbane@innocent.com   -   tmcbane@geocities.com   -   mcbane@juno.com