Last update:00-04-24

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In the thermal design of buildings, the aspects of climate of immediate interest are thermal primary radiation, temperature, humidity and wind. Together with precipitation are linked into a global system which is the result of the constant radiation of energy from the sun and the 24-h rotation of the earth about its axis and the 12-month rotation around the sun.
Thus radiation and planetary movement in the solar system are the prime movers of the earth's system of mass and energy flow.
This unit introduces the fundamentals of solar radiation and its basic influence about the built environment. Upon completion of this unit, you should be able to understand:

   a) The physics of solar radiation
   b) Sun movement
   c) Solar angle determination
   d) Angle of incidence, and
   e) Solar intensity

In this unit, there are five chapters related to the solar radiation, Go and see, you can have more understanding about this subject.

        The physics of solar radiation

        Sun movement

       Solar angle determination

        Angle of incidence and solar intensity

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