Graviton Girls vs Nerima Guys.Chapter 3: Come and Get it.

A fanfic by Eddie Vagg and David Myers

The story so far... A-ko, B-ko, C-ko and gang go to Nerima for a student exchange trip, and B-ko learns that she's been set up to marry Kuno by her father. A-ko has lost her powers due to a run-in with Happosai, but she's formed a friendship with Ranma, who offered to help her out.

Chapter 3

Ryoga wakes up in his tent, camped in the vacant lot behind the Tendo Dojo. He retrieves a medallion, shaped like a Star of David from his backpack.

Ryoga: (to himself) I meant to give this token of my love to you yesterday afternoon, Akane. But I must have taken a couple of wrong turns on the way. Still, today I will deliver you this souvenir... from Graviton City.

It is early morning, and Kuno is currently sparring with his loyal servant, Sasuke. For some reason, Kuno is agitated, sparring with more energy than usual.

Kuno: There! Have at thee, you evil wretch!

Sasuke: Master Kuno! Noooooooo!

Kuno lunges at Sasuke with his boken, in a would be decapitating move, but Sasuke ducks well inside his clothes, head invisible. Sasuke pops his head out.

Sasuke: Aaargh!

Kuno: I, Tatewaki Kuno cannot wed such a monster. Get up off the ground, slime. Draw your weapon so that I may defeat you in honourable combat.

Sasuke, shaking, draws his blade with some hesitation.

Kuno: You will not marry me!

Sasuke: But master I don't want to marry you....

With that, Kuno swings his boken wildly at Sasuke. Sasuke manages to leap out of the way, but Kuno manages to jab him in the rear.

Sasuke: OUCH! Please have mercy Master Kuno!

Kuno: I would afford you no such privilege. Now prepare to die!

Kuno smashes Sasuke's sword out of his hand, and holds his boken over Sasuke's head.

Kuno: Now, B-ko, you will end your foolish talks of marriage.

Hikaru Daitokuji watches from a balcony, smiling.

Hikaru: Ahh. young Tatewaki. You are more suitable than I expected, You will be ready soon.

Ranma: Good morning!!

Kasumi: Oh good morning, Ranma.

Ranma: Hey Kasumi what's going on.

Kasumi: Well... breakfast will be ready in about half an hour.

Ranma: Great! Hey Pop have you seen the freak yet, I need to talk to him.

Genma: No I haven't seen the Master since yesterday.

Soun: You say that like its a bad thing Saotome.

Both Genma and Soun start laughing. Ranma shakes his head and then looks up as Akane walks past, giving Ranma the cold shoulder.

Ranma: Hey what's with you?

Akane: As if you need to ask!

Ranma: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Akane: I see you have been chasing those new girls around the school.

Ranma: What the heck are you talking about?

Akane: Don't try to deny it! I saw you talking with that red head yesterday.

Ranma: Geez Godzilla hips! If your going to be jealous the least you can do is be cuter about it...


Ryoga rests on his umbrella, which is currently sitting on top of Ranma's head.

Akane: Ryoga?

Ryoga: Ha! You have no right to call Akane your fiancee... Ranma!

Akane: I'm glad to see you made it back so quickly. Did you cut your trip short?

Ryoga: No I just got lucky I guess. Ah... Akane I brought this back for you.

Ryoga pulls out the strange looking Star of David medallion.

Akane: Oh Ryoga it's beautiful. Wherever did you get it?

Ryoga: To be honest.. I'm not entirely sure...

Ryoga moves in closer to Akane. Akane is looking at the medallion and doesn't notice.

Ryoga: Akane....

Akane: Yes Ryoga...

Ranma: If you two are quite finished would you mind getting off my head! I'm not a door mat you know!

Ryoga and Akane look down to see that they are both standing on Ranma's head. Akane quickly hops off. Ryoga takes his time.

Akane: Thank you so much Ryoga, you are always so nice to me. Hey Nabiki! Look at what Ryoga brought back for me.

Ryoga watches as Akane runs off to show her present to her sister. He continues watching after her, a dreamy look in his eyes. Ranma meanwhile rises from the ground behind him looking very angry. Ranma cracks his knuckles and then starts pounding into Ryoga.

B-ko stands by the school gates. She looks about sternly and appears to be waiting for someone.

B-ko:(Thinking) Today my dear Ranma. Today I will show everyone just what it is Technology can do. No giant Robots today. Just you and me.

B-ko starts laughing hysterically. Students from both Graviton and Furinken look at her strangely.

Akane: Come on Ranma we're going to be late.

Ranma: I know, oh Geez are we gunna get it.

The two race up towards the school. B-ko looks smugly down as the two approach. She moves into the middle of the road blocking Ranma's path.

B-ko: (Thinking) Now my dear Ranma, you will pay for humiliating me....

Much to B-ko's shock, however, Ranma doesn't stop in front of her to meet her challenge. She looks surprised as he continues running straight at her. He then leaps into the air, places one foot on B-ko's shoulder the other on her face and face lifts off her and into the school grounds. B-ko falls to the ground onto her back. A shoe imprint across her face.

B-ko: Wha?

She looks up to see a dust trail leading into the school. Akane shrugs her shoulders at B-ko apologetically and then follows.

B-ko: I can't believe it! He beat me again!

She begins pounding the ground in frustration. Finally she rises from the ground and follows the two into class.

Miss Hinako: Miss Daitokuji, I don't know what standards you are used to at your school, but we frown on tardiness here at Furinken. You will go and stand in the hall. B-ko: Yes Miss Hinako.

B-ko looks hatefully down at Ranma who has already fallen asleep in class. Just as B-ko leaves the room A-ko rushes in.

A-ko:(puff pufff pufff) sorry I'm (pufff) late. Miss Hinako: Grrrrrrrr.

Meanwhile in Kuno's class Principal Kuno is making an announcement.

Principal Kuno: .. so since your teacher accidentally stabbed himself repeatedly in the stomach, we have hired a relief teacher. (triumphant) Introducing.... MR GAAAAAIIIIL!!!!

The lighting of the classroom visibly darkens as Gail, the silver haired warlord strides into the classroom, complete with flowing robes and bandaged hands.

Everyone collapses in shock.

Principal Kuno: Now everybody, say Aloha to Mr Gail!

Entire class: Aloha Mr Gail.

Gail(In a deep sexy voice): Greetings underlings.

Kuno: UNDERLING! How dare you call the Blue Thunder of Furiken High a mere underling!? I will smite thee, impetuous Sensei!

Gail: Will you now...

Gail lifts his right arm up, visible energy surging through the forarm to his fist.

Gail: You WILL apologise.

Principal Kuno pulls out an electric hair razor.

Kuno: Ahh... ...... I concede. Very well, I apologise.

Gail: (thinking) I can feel the power of the Codex. It is not here, but it is near. (Outloud) Now, for today's science class, we will discuss parallel universes...

A-ko:(thinking) Strange that C-ko left me behind this morning. I wonder where she is? Oh well I have to meet Ranma anyway, to see if he has anything for me.

A-ko enters the clearing where Ranma is waiting for her. He is hanging from a tree by his feet swinging back and forth. He makes a quick V symbol with his fingers and then turns to A-ko.

Ranma: Yo howz it goin'?

A-ko: Oh you're here.. Ranma: Yeah look (makes another V with his fingers towards the bushes) I haven't seen the freak. (He flips to the ground) But I am looking for him.

A-ko (Disappointed): Oh... I see.. Ranma: But look meet me again tomorrow if I haven't found him by then I'll take you to someone else who might be able to help.

A-ko (Depressed, shoulders slump): ok.

Ranma walks over to her and puts his hands on her shoulders and looks straight into her eyes.

Ranma: Don't worry A-ko. We'll get your powers back for sure.

A-ko: Oh thank you Ranma!

A-ko leaps into an embrace with Ranma. Ranma looks slightly shocked for a minute and looks up. Making another V with his fingers.

Ranma: Uh Oh!

Akane stands by the tree watching them. She is glowing bright red.

Akane: Why that....

Mysterious Voice: Ahh young love is such an enchanting thing to watch.

Akane: What....

She turns to see a dapper man wearing a business suit and a hat standing next to her.

Akane: Who are you?

Dapper Man: Oh no one of importance, just a fellow voyeur not a lot unlike yourself.

Akane: I am not a voyeur...

Dapper Man: Then why are you watching that couple?

Akane: Because he is my fiancee!

Dapper Man: Ah I understand now.

Akane: Good!

Dapper Man: You enjoy watching your fiancee with other women... How strange!

Akane hits the dapper man over the head with her mallet.

A-ko walks through the school yard looking for C-ko.

A-ko: Where is she? C-KO Ceee-KO where are you!

C-ko: I'm not talking to you A-ko!

A-ko whirls around to see C-ko standing behind her.

A-ko: C-ko there you are!

C-ko pokes her tongue out at A-ko then turns her back on her. A

-ko: C-ko? What's the matter?

C-ko: I saw you! You're chasing BOYS again!

A-ko: (blushes) I wasn't!

C-ko: (sniff) Yes you were. I'm not dumb you know!

Gail stands by the window watching the two.

Gail: Now why don’t you boys go get her for me.

A group of shadowy figures leave the class.

A-ko: C-ko you don't understand? I need this boys help if I am going to get my powers back. You do want me to get my powers back don't you?

C-ko: Yeah I guess...

A-ko: Hey, I got an idea. Why don't we go to a movie or something? My treat.

C-ko: YEAH! (sings) We're going to see a movie....

Young man 1: Excuse us I was wondering if you could help us out.

A-ko and C-ko look up to see a group of five males standing in a semi circle around them. Each of the guys is wearing a mask of some kind. The masks are that of a cat, a cow, a deer, a wolf, and a priest.

A-ko: What do you want?

Wolf boy: Well for a start you can give us your lunch money...

Deer Boy: .. And then you can hand over your little friend!

A-ko and C-ko look very shocked at this.

C-ko: A-ko....

A-ko: Not in this life time.

A-ko streaks in for the attack. She comes in with a punch to the head against cow boy. Unfortunately he catches her wrist as it flies towards him.

A-ko: (Thinking) Oh no without my powers...

Cow boy: Why you sneaky little bitch!

Cow boy backhand slaps A-ko across the jaw sending her flying into the ground. She skids along the grass until she rests at C-ko's lap.

C-ko: A-KO!!!

Priest Boy: Hey why don't we have some fun here fellahs while we are at it!

The other guys all laugh evilly at this as A-ko and C-ko look fearfully up at their aggressors. A small stones strikes cat boy in the back of the head.

Cat boy: Wha? Wh..Who did that?

Ryoga: Five men for two females... (Ryoga throws another stone into the air and catches firmly in his fist) What real man needs to do that.

The five all turn towards Ryoga who throws himself into the troupe. He flies into the middle, elbowing Cat boy across the jaw. Deer boy moves in to attack, but Ryoga lands four punches in his stomach in quick succession before he can react. As Deer boy falls to the ground, Priest boy is elbowed with a left in the face. Wolf boy comes in and strikes Ryoga with his fist firmly in the side of the stomach. To his dismay, however, Ryoga hardly notices it, and back kicks him across the face with his right leg. A-ko watches as Cow boy the last one left standing moves in to punch Ryoga in the face, but Ryoga does a flying kick into his stomach doubling him over.

Then it is over and Ryoga stands in the midst of a litter of bodies. With his eyes closed, breathing evenly outwards, and moving both hands down by his stomach Ryoga closes his form. He then opens his eyes and looks to the two girls. He steps forward and extends his hand to A-ko, to help her up. A-ko stares up in wonder at the Martial artist stunned by his show of strength. She slowly extends her hand to meet his.... When C-ko pounces in and bites Ryoga.

Ryoga: Owowowowoowowowow! What did you do that for!

Ryoga blows his hand trying to numb the pain. C-ko protectively embraces A-ko and makes various rabid dog noises.

C-ko: snarl, growl fffft.

Ryoga:(thinking) Gee I wonder if she knows the cat fist?

A-ko: I'm sorry my friend is probably just a bit startled.

C-ko: Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Ryoga: Uh yeah O.K. Your not from around here are you.

A-ko: Well.... Ryoga (A little uncertain): Wait this is still Furinken High right!

A-ko: Yeah. Ryoga: Phew I thought I'd gotten lost again! Anyway are you alright?

A-ko: Yes thanks to you.

Ryoga (Placing his hand behind his head and grinning foolishly): Oh it was nothing. Well I better let you go. I hope your friend is feeling better soon.

A-ko: Ahhh I'm A-ko this is C-ko.

Ryoga turns towards her and smiles revealing his fangs.

Ryoga: I'm Ryoga! A-ko: Thankyou Ryoga.

Ryoga: Seeya

Ryoga walks off straight into a wall. He shakes his head a little and then starts following the wall around.

A-ko: (thinking) Wow!

Yet again B-ko is back in the video room, reviewing her cronies surveillance footage.

B-ko: (thinking) There was something odd with A-ko yesterday, but I can't put my finger on exactly what it was...

The intercom clicks.

B-ko: (annoyed) What is it?

Asa: The photo's are ready, Miss Daitokuji!

B-ko: (sigh) Bring them in.

Asa enters the room with a fancy presentation folder.

B-ko: (dryly) Nice touch.

Smiling at B-ko's unexpected joke, Asa hands the folder to B-ko. B-ko opens the folder, and flips a page. B-ko frowns and turns another page. The frown develops into a scowl she begins to glow slightly red. Asa cringes...

B-ko: Look at this you idiot!

B-ko points accusingly at various photos of Ranma, every one of them features him smiling at the camera displaying the V symbol with his fingers.

B-ko: SEE! HE SAW YOU COMING! Maybe you should take a little more care in future. DISMISSED!

Asa scurries out of the room.

B-ko: DAMN! That Ranma! I'll deal with HIM tomorrow. And hmmm...

B-ko's attention is distracted by yesterday's video image of A-ko showering.

B-ko: What's this? She wears armbands even in the shower? OF COURSE!!! I'VE GOT YOU NOW, A-KO!

B-ko laughs maniacally.

Ranma and Akane streak through the streets on their way to school.

Ranma: I can't believe we are late again.

Akane: Its not my fault!

Ranma: Hey I've been up since 5:00 am practicing.

Akane: And yet every morning we are always late.

As they run they pass an old woman watering the path. She splashes water out which hits Ranma instantly changing him into a girl.

Ranma Chan: Dammit I hate it when that happens!

Akane: Can't be helped we can get some hot water at school.

Ranma: Race you there!

Akane: You’re on!

The two girls break into a sprint until they approach the school gate. Once again B-ko is waiting there for them. Ranma and Akane both run past her without any trouble.

B-ko (Thinking): He wont get me the same way again today. As soon as I see him I'll attack. Strange, I could have sworn that girl was with him yesterday. I wonder where he is?

Gradually more and more students make there way into school. Finally A-ko and C-ko rush to the gate. A-ko stops in her tracks.

A-ko: Uh oh!

C-ko: Hi B-ko!

B-ko: Not today A-ko, I'm waiting for someone else.

A-ko: Huh? (looks at B-ko warily) Well.. ok...

They both run past into the school.

B-ko: (thinking) Where is he?

It's halfway through maths class and Akane distracted is looking out the window. She sees B-ko still standing at the gate waiting.

Akane: What is that girl doing?

After a while B-ko stops waiting and makes her way to class.

B-ko:(Thinking) He must be sick or something. No matter, he didn't get the best of me today. I will be... Uhhhhh.

B-ko enters Miss Hinako's class to see Ranma (Now male) soundly asleep on his desk. Miss Hinako does not look impressed.

Miss Hinako: Miss Daitokuji what did I tell you yesterday about tardiness. Wait in the hall to be punished.

B-ko (Staring in disbelief at Ranma): Bu..bu...bu..but how?

Miss Hinako: NOW!!

B-ko: Yes Miss Hinako..

B-ko once again humiltiated walks into the hall.

Lunchtime soon rolls around and everyone is goofing around the class playing cards or in B-ko's case stacking desks. The door to the class room opens and Kuno enters.

Kuno: B-ko Daitokuji I would have words with you.

B-ko: Not now Tatewaki I'm busy.

Ranma/Akane (To each other): Tatewaki?

Kuno: Wench, come hither!

The class stops what they are doing and looks at Kuno in shock. B-ko visibly flinches.

Ranma: What is she to you? A dog?

Kuno: Silence Saotome, this is no concern of yours.

Akane: Do you two know each other?

Kuno: Sadly yes.. Alas, my accursed father has arranged for us to be wed. But fear not Akane Tendo. My heart still burns for you.

Kuno places both his hands on Akane's. She grabs his hands and places them on Ranma's.

Akane: Here you are Ranma, you're it. Kuno:(To Ranma) Hmmph It will not be to you to whom I pledge my love!

Ranma: Wait a sec.. come again.. your engaged to .. her.

Ranma points to B-ko who is looking very embarrassed since the entire class is looking at her.

Kuno: Indeed.

Ranma: Excuse me there is something I have to do.

Ranma springs from his desk and runs through the door laughing insanely. The entire class erupts into chatter.

Kuno (To B-ko): My father has insisted that you come to the Kuno mansion tonight.

B-ko: Grrrrrrr.

Student 1: Wow I wonder have they done it.

Student 2: Kuno's engaged.

Asa: I can't believe she didn't tell us.

A-ko: Guess you never can tell huh.

C-ko: Oh A-ko A-ko look! There's that nice girl!

Ranma Chan: My lord no!

Everyone stops to see the dripping wet female Ranma standing at the door.

Kuno: My love...

B-ko: That's the Pig Tailed girl? She sounds nothing like me.

Akane: Hey they do sound kind of similar.

Ranma: Alas I can't believe it. My one true love is taken from me and is to be wed to another. And here I was ready to give myself to you UTTERLY. But alas I cannot love a man who is promised to another. (Dramatically places her face into her hands) Farewell forever!

Kuno: My love... No! I still love you..... My Pig Tailed goddess come back.

A bit later A-ko sits by the tree waiting patiently for Ranma

A-ko (Thinking): Gee he sure is late. I wonder what happened to him? I hope he found this Happosai person....

Ranma: Yo.

A-ko, startled, jumps.

Ranma(Unenthusiastic): Yeah look the freak’s nowhere to be found. I'm sorry.

A-ko: Oh.

Ranma: There is someone else I know who might be able to help. Look I'm staying at the Tendo Dojo, do you know where that is?

A-ko: I could find out.

Ranma: Alright why don't you and your friend C-ko drop by tonight for dinner.

A-ko: Wow do you really mean it. We'd love too..

Ranma: O.K drop by about 6 pm.

A-ko: I'll see you there. (Thinking) Wow he invited me around for dinner. He must like me.

The Gates to the Kuno mansion open and Kuno and B-ko stride up the path.

Kuno: Alas my beloved pig tailed girl. Truly her heart must be shattered.

B-ko: Believe me, you're not that big a deal. Kuno: SILENCE I am soliloquising.

B-ko makes a why me expression. Gradually the two walk down the path through the grounds until the Mansion reveals itself from behind a hill.

B-ko: That.. That is the Kuno mansion?

Kuno: Indeed!

B-ko: Its not very big!

Kuno: How dare you insult the noble house of Kuno.

B-ko looks at him strangely. They continue walking until they arrive inside the house.

Kuno: Ahhh I see my twisted sister has not arrived home. Do what you will, I am going to the hall to train.

Kuno leaves B-ko stranded at the front step. Hesitantly she enters the house and begins exploring the various rooms and chambers. After a while she enters Kuno's room. She immediately recognises it by all the large photo's and posters of Akane and Ranma-Chan that line the wall. Off to one side a 'Mr Turtle' belt hangs against the wall.

B-ko: Strange. Hmm nice swords.

She examines a set of Japanese honour swords sitting in a stand. A number of Stylish Boken also line another wall. She moves to a study desk and finds an exercise book labelled "Know your enemy".

B-ko: What's this?

B-ko opens the book and finds it full of notes about Ranma Saotome and his fighting style.

B-ko: (thinking) Tatewake Kuno, You are a simpleton, but this could almost redeem you. I can use this...

B-ko looks around the room, spotting security systems.

B-ko: (thinking) Not even Ine can get past this... Very well, electronic countermeasures it is then.

B-ko opens her briefcase and removes a small black box. She presses a button on the gadget, then pulls out an even smaller device, a spy camera.

B-ko: (thinking) I'd better install the Spycam while the jamming signal lasts... Ok... It'll go up there!

B-ko stands on an expensive desk and reaches up to a shelf above.

B-ko: (thinking) Nearly there... Got it! (outloud) Whoops!

Having stretched out too far, B-ko loses her balance and falls, taking with her the shelf which had a set of calligraphy tools on it.

B-ko: DAMN! B-ko, covered with paper, ink and pens, stands up and brushes herself off.

B-ko: What's this? INK!!!! Just what I need. Well, A guest has to be well presented, even if the host is a moron. I'll just have to borrow some clothes and clean up a little.

Kuno enters the bath room changing area wearing nothing but a towel.

Kuno: Hmmmm a satisfactory workout if nothing else. Alas though if I am to best Ranma Saotome I will need all my skills and wits. His sorcerous ways and dishonourable tactics brings shame to the martial arts. I Tatewaki Kuno will have to punish him and free my loves from his evil grasp.

Kuno removes his towel and steps naked into the bathroom. It is already filled with steam.

Kuno: What is this?

He looks around and sees B-ko sitting in the bath naked. She looks over at him slightly stunned. He looks at her equally stunned. They look at each others naked bodies for a long moment until B-ko picks up a large bath pail and throws it, clobbering Kuno in the head.

B-ko: PERVERT!!!!!!! GET OUT!!!!!!

The naked Kuno retreats somewhat holding his wounded head. Somewhat stunned he leans against the wall breathing heavily. He sits there for a while, and then looks wistfully over at the door. He then turns and puts on a robe and leaves the changing room.

B-ko sits in the bath eyes wide also breathing heavily. She sits for a minute and then looks at the bathroom door and ever so slightly smiles.

End of Chapter 3

Authors Note:

Once again, us fanfic writers love feedback, it nurtures us. You can reach us by my email address which is:

Ed: Dave you pick the next chapter title...

Dave: (Distracted) I don't care.

Ed: Stay tuned for part 4: I don't care.

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