
Wendy Hughes



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Who's Who




About Me

Star Trek Stuff



Hi, This is the part where I tell you something about me. This photo is me. Click on the photo to see more.»lisa4.jpg (9064 bytes)

I was born and raised in Perth, Western Australia. I've left the state twice in my entire life and the country only once, (Short holiday to Bali). I hope one day to be able to travel to the UK, Canada and the USA.

I'm a voracious reader, mostly Science fiction and Fantasy. My favorite authors are;
Anne McCaffrey    Stephen Donaldson     Marion Zimmer Bradley     Raymond E Feist      Patricia Kennealy    Julian May      David Eddings      Shakespeare      Traci Harding        Sara Douglas         Anne Rice      .... This list could go on forever.

I'm also a BIG fan of Star Trek, though not the Original series so much. I also follow several other programs including;   
dueSouth        X-Files            Forever Knight         Stargate SG-1         Babylon 5         The Pretender     Sliders            Profiler            ST:DS9           ST:Voyager     VR-5        Xena        Angel         Buffy: The Vampire Slayer        Seven Days        Dark Angel        ST:Enterprise        Blake's 7        Crusade    ... another list into infinity.

Some of these programs aren't on air at the moment for various reasons, some are no longer in production (which is really depressing), others get axed for ratings reasons. I just wish all the rubbish shows didn't rate so well. The person who came up with the idea of 'Reality TV' should be shot, then drawn and quartered and the remains burned at the stake, as true evil has been dealt with in the distant past. Reality TV is an oxymoron, it kind of defeats the purpose of watching TV. There ends my rant.

If you're wondering about the audio file, it's part of my favorite scene, of my favorite episode of dueSouth. It would have to be the longest on screen kisses I've ever seen, and on top of a moving train heading towards a nuclear meltdown, full of unconscious mounties to boot. Only on dueSouth <sigh>

Since discovering the Internet I have become very involved in Fan Fiction, I've even written some, which is up on this site. Mostly Star Trek related, but I'm always on the look-out for other interesting subjects, and I'm a real sucker for romance stories between established characters that never seem to actually get together in the shows.

I consider myself to be a Trekker, a BONCer and a Dueser. My favorite TV characters are Dr Beverly Crusher, Inspector Meg Thatcher, LaCroix and Delenn. Constable Benton Fraser to a small degree just because he (Paul Gross) is so darned cute, the same could apply Nicholas deBrabant (Geraint Wyn Davies) and well most of the male leads in the shows I like.