Below are the very , very simple instructions that you should follow
Basically the game is Checkers!
Netscape 3.0+ or IE4 is required to play , Netscape 2.0 if it has a plug in maybe.
This is what your starships look like
This is what your enemy's ships looks like
Now to understand how to play read the following. First your Defiant Class ships can only move diagonal and one space at a time.If thier is a Dominion ship directly in front of you you can click on the space behind them and destroy the ship.When you get to the other side you are crowned or promotated to the Captain of a Sovereign Class Starship.Your ememy ships will get promoted to Cardasian Galor Warships if they reach the other side.The Promoted ships can move only the same as the normal pieces but can go in all directions unlike the normal ones. When you click on the ships they will fire their wepeons to let you know that you or the enemy is moving.
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The Academy's Holographic Battle Smulation Deck
Welcome Cadet or other ranking officers come and play the Holographic Battle Sim that my friend helped me create.
Stuff to Know!