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      Kim Basinger Horoscope/Astrology


It just hasn't been a great month for Alec Baldwin. Just days before the man he vehemently opposed in our last election was due to be inaugurated as president, his wife of seven years, actress Kim Basinger, filed for divorce. Long thought of as one of Hollywood's "perfect couples," the two have been spotted in "heated public spats" recently, according to both Mr.Showbiz.com and E! online, who also report that Basinger's father mentioned to People magazine recently that Alec had a bit of a temper. Although the reason for their split may be the issue of anger, however, I'll bet it's not just Alec who slammed doors in that household.

Astrologically speaking, the fact that Basinger, a Sagittarius, and Baldwin, an Aries, would create fireworks together—for better and worse—is no surprise. They're both packing fire Sun signs, for starters, and fire signs aren't called fire signs for nothing, folks. Debate, passion and self-assertion are a fire sign’s business—and they're all very good at it. Okay, and anger. And aggression. And maybe just a little bit of egotism.

Sag and Aries: "Combustible But Compatible"

So what happens when you put two of those fire Sun signs together in a romantic relationship? Well, as Linda Goodman wrote in her classic astrological text, Love Signs, these two in particular end up being "combustible but compatible." Apparently, Basinger and Baldwin are at the "combustible" stage.

As if that's not enough to turn a relationship hot, and possibly quite volatile, too, both Basinger and Baldwin have pretty darned serious Mars situations in their birthcharts. Now, Mars is the ancient god of war, the "red planet" who also didn't earn his name and reputation for nothing. Mars is the "owner" of Aries, and the two are associated with each other in astrology, so Baldwin's Aries Sun is already working quite closely with this red-hot bullet of a planet.

In addition, Baldwin's Mars is opposed shocking, electric Uranus, and oppositions classically reveal themselves in our one-to-one encounters with others. Unpredictable? You bet—and that's not to mention the fact that Mars is in Aquarius, Uranus' own sign. Both the planet and the sign's reputation for suddenness are famous, and well deserved, too. Uranus is the perfect, unexpected "trigger" for a weapon like Mars. In fact, often that trigger is pulled before the individual has time to realize it, much less stop it. In short, Baldwin can go off at any time, at a moment's notice, then wake up wondering what that was, and/or who that was just then.

Before you start feeling bad for Basinger, however, keep in mind that her own temper probably rivals Baldwin's. She was also born with a strong connection between Mars and Uranus, the same two planets responsible for Baldwin's fiery disposition. In Basinger's chart, however, rather than being in opposition, the two are in a tense square, putting them in a relationship that's the astrological equivalent of two adversaries "squaring off." Planets in square irritate each other, and like any opponents in close proximity, when they both have their buttons pushed, the results are potentially quite volatile. In other words, she's equally capable of raising her voice  and her partner's blood-pressure every now and then.

On the other hand, there's more to Mars-Uranus combinations than explosions. Really. They're also the planetary recipe for fervent political activists, which may have been part of the "glue" that kept this relationship together for the past seven years. Baldwin was quoted as saying he'd leave the country if George W. Bush was elected. If Baldwin's cause of choice is politics, however, Basinger’s is animal rights. She's so into PETA, PAWS and other animal groups that, in addition to owning fifteen dogs and cats of her own, she spearheads campaigns to save animals in labs, and gets the job done, too. Her recent efforts to stop a lab in New Jersey from literally breaking the legs of 40 beagle puppies were quite successful. The dogs were eventually released, and adopted, too.

From the Ashes: What's On the Horizon?

What's next for these two fireballs? Well, for Baldwin, it may actually be that overseas move he threatened. He's certainly going to do some wandering, both internally and externally. Neptune, the purveyor of such heady things as alcohol, drugs, sleep, trance states and depression, has already moved into an opposition with his Uranus—a tough combination to work with, and, once again, the type of energy that often manifests itself in relationships.

Classically, this comes off as a time of confusion, full of sudden changes that seem to arrive almost invisibly, and that certainly could involve changes in a committed relationship. As Neptune makes her way closer to Baldwin’s Mars, the more pronounced the opposition between the red planet and startling Uranus will be, and the more urgent Baldwin's urge to "get lost" will become. With no wife and family to ground him, this spontaneous, impulsive "fire-man" will undoubtedly be doing a bit of discovery on the inner and outer sides of himself, too.

As for Basinger, she's been described as being extremely attached to her daughter, Ireland, now five years old. That makes sense, too. Basinger’s earthy Capricorn Moon is the very soul of duty and responsibility to whom and what it loves, especially a child. Capricorn Moons are completely and totally dedicated to maintaining the family structure. In fact, they often take on more responsibility for family members than is necessary. Baldwin once said his wife wouldn't even leave the child to take a weekend away with him, even when he said he'd pay her "an appearance fee" if she would.

I don't think that trait is going to change soon, either. Responsible Saturn will be in solid, fixed Taurus for the next few months, encouraging anyone with an emphasis on earth planets to hunker down and take care of duties. Basinger’s Capricorn Moon's natural tendency to feel "responsible" for any discomfort her child is feeling will probably cause her to stay pretty close to home.

Regardless of where their personal lives lead, as with any couple, Basinger and Baldwin will both be spending a lot of time trying to get used to life in the single lane again. Of course, given that they're both fast-moving, fun-loving fire signs, as well as Hollywood "sex-symbols," I'll bet neither of them will be spending Saturday nights alone for long.
-Kim Rogers Gallagher


Celebrity Star Bio
AdZe's Natal Horoscope for
Kim Basinger
December 8, 1953 in Athens, Georgia


AdZe's Star Bio describes attitudes, energy patterns and basic character traits. It includes interpretations for elements, qualities, and planets in signs.

Elements and Qualities

Fewer than two planets in Earth signs

Because of a certain restlessness and discontent, you're not the most practical person in the world. You may even be a bit spacey. In fact, sometimes you may wonder if you are of this world. Try using a to do list to your advantage. Train yourself to do important things with the force of habit. You may be disinterested in the mundane. As long as stability alludes you, so will a complete and happy life.

TIP: Get the things of the earth into your home.

Add some live plants to your environment. Fill your home with tile, pottery, wicker, ceramics, rocks and crystals. Spend more time in the present moment. Constantly remind yourself to "be here now". Eat more solid foods such as stews, soups, cooked grains and casseroles. Get more into your body. Treat yourself to regular professional massage. Find a sport or exercise regime that you can enjoy. Walk around in your bare feet in the cool dewy grass. Work to acquire a sense of steady rhythm and endurance.

SUN in your chart
Your "stellar" qualities

Sun in Sagittarius


Essentially you're a good sport. The question is, "What's your game?"

TIP: Aim high and roam free.

When you are naturally enthusiastic, folks tend to like you. Cultivate your natural tolerance and you will be able to get along with many different types of people. You can get the power of positive thinking to work overtime. To do so, you must clarify your ideals and pursue your spirit of adventure. The ancients believed that turquoise could counter negative vibes and relieve melancholia for Sagittarians.


MOON in your chart
Your personal "lunar landscape"

Moon in Capricorn


You like to maintain your dignity and keep your emotional life in check. Normally, you're somewhat cautious, shy and reserved. Under stress, you can get very cold and business like. Your critics may say that you have no feelings. Probably you got this way from your mom who was not the most huggy kissy person in the world.

Let go of harsh self judgments. Focus on realistic self improvement projects. You can be uptight and rigid. You could benefit from professional body work, massage, chiropractic care and the lot. Pay more attention to your body and its basic animal needs.

Respond more to your feelings. Take a calculated risk to find out who really loves you. Try a classical approach to love. The more clearly you can define your concept of fun, the more fun you will have.

TIP: To enjoy success, you must first respect the rights of others.

You're pragmatic. You can work hard and obtain many of your ambitions. Money, power and status interest you, and you're responsible enough to get them. Discipline, patience and commitment will win the day for you. It's O.K. for you to reach the top spot.

MERCURY in your chart
Your "mercurial" character

Mercury in Scorpio


You're suspicious, curious and probing for the truth. You have natural detective instincts and analytical abilities. Your psychological insight is shrewd. Your ability to do original research is profound.

VENUS in your chart
Your "Venusian" sensibilities

Venus in Sagittarius


Ideals matter to you, so does adventure and excitement. You've probably got quite an outgoing, high spirited and imaginative side to your romances. You're searching for ideal love, true love, perfect love and other elusive things.


MARS in your chart
Your "martial" self

Mars in Libra


Teamwork can be the right thing for you. You have a strong urge to form associations. Paradoxically, you please others to please yourself. Once you find the right partner, you have plenty of energy.

JUPITER in your chart
Your "jovial" character traits

Jupiter in Gemini

A measure of versatility is yours. You're broad-minded enough to adapt to the ways of others. You alternate between skepticism and credulity. Learn to collect facts and information and use them to your advantage.

SATURN in your chart
Your "saturnian" self

Saturn in Scorpio

You may not give people a "second chance". You have some stinging repartee and biting humor. Find the right focus for your intense energy and tremendous willpower. In time, any disciplined research you do will bring results.

URANUS in your chart
Your "uraniuan" traits

Uranus in Cancer

To become yourself it may be necessary to make a break away from your home and family. Your personal life is unsettled. Probably you're fond of electronic devices. You get a 7-year itch to free yourself from restrictive domestic situations.

NEPTUNE in your chart
Your "neptunian" side

Neptune in Libra

It is probably a good idea for you to steer clear of people heavily involved with alcohol and religious fanaticism. For at least 5 minutes a day for 5 weeks focus your mind exclusively on the meanings of this statement, "All observation tends to be self observation."

PLUTO in your chart
Your "plutonian" tendencies

Pluto in Leo

You're here to find yourself, be yourself and express yourself. The hell of it is that jealousy and power struggles are issues you must squarely face. Jealousy is not necessarily a trait of yours. However, you'll have to deal with the jealousy of your peers and in business.




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