The Man Behind The Face


REAL NAME: Romeo Nicolas "Romnick" Sarmenta Tejedor

BIRTHDATE: April 28, 1972

NATIONALITY: (darn proud to be a)FILIPINO


I started life in Quezon City Medical Center, was born to one by the name of Julie C. Sarmenta (that's my mum's maiden name, and the screen name that I use *Romnick Sarmenta*).

My father's name was Adonis F. Tejedor, and yes, I do have spanish blood... Though I must admit it goes only as far as the blood, (the tounge doesn't seem to know of this heritage) as well as chinese and japanese (in very little but still notifiable amount).

I practically grew up with my maternal grandfather, Nicolas....(yes, my paternal grandfather's name was Romeo, now you know why the name's so cheesy eh?? he,he,he) and the rest of my mom's family.

I became an actor at the age of four (cute lil' me!) and everything you might want to know about that particular episode is somewhere in these pages (only if you wanna read about it, not that you have to :P).

I attended school in Angelicum, located at the back of Sto.Domingo church and ended up taking all my elementary and the beter part of my high school life in there.

When I went too college I attended the University of Sto. Thomas and took up Architecture.

Right now, I'm trying to "branch-out", I am a MasterSargeant in the Army Reserves, (decorated if I may add :P)I teach values and theater arts in Angelicum High School in Ilo-Ilo, Jaro City for a week every two months... I've barely gone back to sketching and painting (my favorite hobbies), plus some sculpting. I am also a Dazer, for those of you who don't know what that means, well, I was a participant in the Days with the Lord Batch #95 retreat. I really don't know just how much more I can afford to do, but I'm always on the look out or new things, hopefully either educational or spiritual :).

So, there... well truth is I'm still not sure just how much I want to tell you about myself, maybe if you leave some short questions with your signatures at my guestbook, I might just try to answer as faithfully as I can.


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