Prof's Guide, Page 3 - Setting Up The EPG (continued)


We have a problem now, in that the channels in media portal are named things like 'BBC ONE' and "BBC FOUR", while the channels in the xmltv guide are named differently (e.g. BBC1 North, BBC4). So mediaportal won't match up the TV listings to the channels.

How do we resolve this? We have to rename the channels in mediaportal to match those in the xmltv guide.


Open the c:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\xmtlv\tvguide.xml file using internet explorer (or whichever browser you prefer). It will be quite a large file, so may take a while to load.

For each channel you can see there is a tag called <display-name>. This is what the TV guide is calling the channel. (Some channels have more than one display name listed, we will only be using the first one).

OK, so we have to rename the channels in media portal to match the ones here.

Start>Program Files>Mediaportal>configure again. Expand the 'Television' section and click on channels.

Select a channel from the list, click 'edit' (circled above) and change the name to match the one in the TVguide.

Note you don't need to do this for all the channels, just the ones you want to get EPG info for. For example, there's not much point getting EPG info for Price Drop or News 24.


OK? Run mediaportal, click on 'My TV', click 'TV Guide', press F3 and then 'Import TV guide' and voila! EPG is here!

Now, to get the remote to work...

Page 4: Setting up the x10 remote...