Welcome to HTE Hmong Costume Gallery
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Welcome to Hmong fashion gallery. There are four major different types of Hmong traditional dresses and several different types that mix together to make it look good in style. Typically, most of the Hmong fasion dresses are combine both ancient Hmong arts and the modern designs. The difference is in the design of the Hmong costume it self, which referred to the area where the Hmong people live and the diifferent tones of the Hmong language has spoken. These dresses can be worn daily or any special events. Mostly the Hmong will wear their fashion dresses on wedding day, New Year celebration, and some other important events.

What do we expect to know about this costume without telling?

Hmoob Dawb (White Hmong)
White Hmong female used to wear a pleaded white skirt with an hand make apron and a V-shirt that the sleeve of the shirt is covered with fancy Hmong arts on the lower half of the arms. The other pieces that have to wear along with the Whiite Hmong lady dresses are a crossed ribbon on the hair, a fancy belt along with the Hmong arts apron, and silver decorations.

Hmoob Dub (Black Hmong)
Black Hmong is the classical style of Hmong. It looks plain but very neat. Black Hmong ladies and gentlemen are wearing this dress without or less art designs on it accept their belts. Ladies are wearing pants instead of wearing skirt. Others stuff that Black Hmong ladies have to wear along with this style are peal red or strong pink and green belts along with a plain apron, brown ribbon and silver decorations. For the gentlemen, they wear very plain accept the belt.

Hmoob Ntsuab, Hmoob Sib, Hmoob Lees (Green Hmong)
Green Hmong is more fancy dress with complex Hmong arts design on both the shirt and skirt or pants. Especially the skirt is more designs on it and has a lot of pleads on it. Every time after they have worn the dress, they have to use thread to plead the skirt to make it looks plead for the next time. Green Hmong ladies and gentlemen are wearing colorful with a lot of Hmong designs than White Hmong dress. Guys will have a major different on the pants and the shirt instead of te White Hmong. Their pants are larger in design or baggy and the shirt is shorter than the White Hmong dress.

Hmoob Txaij (Stripe Hmong or rule arm Hmong)
This costume design has been called Hmong with ruled arms or Stripe Hmong because the shirt of the lady and gentleman are stripe on both arms. Ladies are wearing a fancy turban instead of a cross brown ribbon. They also wear silver decorations to make it look good in style.

Lwm yam Hmoob:
Hmoob Sev Plooj (picture will be place later)
Hmoob Phuam Liab(picture will be place later)

Hmoob Suav
This Hmong cloth style is designed similar to the Chinese style. It is designed in Chinese style but it contains a lot of Hmong arts. The dress is full of color designs. This style can be worn without silver decorations or with silver decorations ot make it looks more fancy. For the gentlemen, they wear regular pants, shirt, and a black or color turban with a beautiful peacolck tale pin on the turban.

Phuam Hmoob

Hmong dress decorations

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