If you have any good sounds that you think I should have e-mail them to me.
Beavis: "Damn it, Damn it, son of a bitch."
Beavis: "Cut it out butt-hole!"
Beavis: "I am CornHolio."
Beavis: "Hey, would you like to see my bungh hole?"
Butt-Head: "They said you were psycho."
Beavis: "Oh, ya."
Butt-Head: "You know, if it's on."
Beavis: "I understand"
Butt-Head: "But if it's not on, who gives a rats ass."
Beavis: "I am CornHolio. I need TP for my bung hole."
Butt-Head: "It is in these hills that Juan Valdez and his trusty goat gather coffee beans every morning."
Beavis: "Check this out. How come they call it taking a dump and not leaving a dump? I mean, afterall your not really taking it anywhere. Funkdat."