The first Skipsterfilms documentary...

Canada and World War 1


How We Got Conned into Fighting a Big European War Yet Gain Independens* from the British

While not titled as a Skipsterfilm production, the classic documentary, "Canada and World War 1, or How We Got Conned into Fighting a Big European War Yet Gain Independens* from the British" carries the spirit of everything Skipsterfilms stand for: humour, satire, spoof, chills and thrills. Ok, maybe not the last two, but anyway.

The documentary chronicles Canada's involvement in the war, the account of a non-existant soldier personifying the typical Canadian attitude at the time, and his surprise encounter somewhere in the fields of Europe, the conscription crisis that nearly tore the country in two, the history of Canadian pilots, and how they attained a name for themselves.

The documentary contains the greatest effects and editing yet in a Skipsterfilms Ltd. production, and earned a 100% in the social class for which it was created.

We took no more than what we learned in Social class, making the documentary little on the informative side. However, the entire film satirizes every school documentary, making it enjoyable and charming....although possibly offensive to Francophonic Canadians, Europeans, conspiracy theorists, war veterans, government workers, and those weasly geeky guys that host those videos we were all forced to watch in school.

Including cut scenes from 1956's "War of the Worlds" and a song to the tune of Monty Python's "The Lumberjack Song", this is a well written, hilarious ride for all. Unfortunately, we can't buy sell it until we buy the rights from Paramount.


By subject-

We at Skipsterfilms are very aware that Independence is not spelled "Independans"...however, the makers of the documentary ran out of space on the titling sequence and were forced to improvise.