SMS Messages--Email adresses--Real letters
Send me SMS Messages
This is the funniest thing I know!! :) I've got a Tatoo (that's a french pager) so now you can send me short messages on it!! Do it, please... =) There are 3 ways of sending these messages. The first one is far better but if it doesn't work, just try the second one, it's really great too!! :) And for french people only, you may prefer the 3rd one but really I don't recommend it, it's pretty expensive!! Just follow the instructions below. Don't worry, it looks complicated but it's not!! =)
1. Go to Tatoo's homepage
2. Click on "Envoi de Messages"
3. Enter my tatoo number: 0656523607
4. Write your message in less than 80 characters
5. Click on the button "Validez"
6. Wait and then click on the new button "Validez"
7. Vrrrrr, Beep, Beep, Clank: 30 secs later your msg reaches me and I'm happy!! =)
1. Create a new mail with your usual mail programm
2. In adress, write:
3. In subject, write something in less than 50 characters so that it will appear completely on my pager's screen
4. In the mail part, write anything you want!!
5. Vrrrrrr, Beep, Beep, Clank (again!): I receive a new msg which is composed of what you wrote in the subject part plus your name and the time you sent the message. As to the rest of your mail, it is forwarded to my usual adress!! Ain't that koool?
THIRD METHOD (France only):
1. Vous avez un minitel donc 3615 Tatoo et ensuite vous tapez mon numero quelque part et vous envoyez votre message. Je n'ai jamais essayé mais il parait que c'est simple! :)
Numero: 0656523607
2. Vous n'avez pas de minitel, composez mon numero de Tatoo sur votre telephone et ensuite laissez vous guider. Vous pouvez laisser un message sur mon répondeur vocal, dicter un message écrit a une hotesse, taper un code (compréhensible) ou votre numero de telephone pour que je vous rappelle. Bref, faites comme vous le sentez!! :)
E-mail me:
Real letters
Receiving real letters can be very cool too!! Don't hesitate, I really love them!! The answering delay will depend a lot on my courage and our wonderful post but sooner or later I'll write you back!! :)
Camille Lenoble
4 rue des Farges
69005 Lyon