O'Connor O'Connors Family B&B,family accommodations Gore Mountain Lake George
Minerva Historical Society
and Museum

County Route 29

IF YOU HAVE AN INTERESTING COLLECTION of anything, and would like to display it at the museum this year, CONTACT: Molly Maguire or Helen Wagar.

The Minerva Historical Society was formed 46 years ago in 1955 and has been active ever since. It is a non-profit, educational organization, formed to promote public interest in Minerva's history and folklore. The Methodist church building in the center of Olmstedville was deeded to the Society in 1979 and by 1981, the bery firest exhibit in the "new" museum was opened to the public.

The museum opens every year on Minerva Day in July with a brand new exhibit. This year the exhibit will be "COLLECTIONS." The exhibits are loaned to the museum by local people and their goodwill in parting with their precious belongings for the duration of the summer and into the Fall, allowing us to thave stunning exhibits.

The Museum has two permanent exhibits: The Tree of Life Mural with charts & files for researching ancestry of the original settlers of Minerva and Winslow Homer prints of his original oils and water colors done here in Minerva.

The members of Historical Society have also compiled two volumes of indepth history of the Town of Minerva. Volume One: Beginning at the Towns founding through 1967 and Volume Two: 1967 through the present. Each covers the evolution of the Town of Minerva to the smallest detail. These are filled with information regarding the history of the Town and we are certainly indepted to the Historical Society for providing us with such a wonderful documented history.


If you dont belong to the Historical Society, you are certainly missing out! The Minerva Historical Society works hard for the community in ways you may not be aware of. We give a substantial scholareship to a graduate of Minerva Center School each year. We have an essay contest for the Grades 1 -3 and 4-5, with money prizes, and certificates to the winners. We have a lecture program that is available every 3 months. We maintain the cemetery of Federal Flats Road and the one room schoolhouse in Irishtown which is now being renovated, and which was soley paid for with contributiions from the local citizens. The museum also participates in the Minerva Day celebration with a float in the Parade. The Minerva Hisotrical Society is part of the annual Christmas Bazaar each year and alo in the Teddy Roosevelt week end. At Christmas, the Society haas a tree lighting ceremony plus caroling at the museum for the community.

Support the Minerva Historical Society with your membership.
Individual Member $8.00
Student Member 2.00
Contributing Member 15.00
Sustaining Member 25.00
Supporting Member 50.00
Patron Member 100.00

The Quarterly Newsletter and Access to archives and research materials is included in your membership. Send your check for membership payable to "The Minerva Historical Society" to Mr. Lester Sternin, Minerva, NY 12851.

The Minerva Historical Society's Quarterly News, is available for sale at Sullivans Sporting Goods, Lemon Potpourri and the Museum in Olmstedville, also Murdies in Minerva.

IF YOU HAVE AN INTERESTING COLLECTION of anything, and would like to display it at the museum this year, CONTACT: Molly Maguire or Helen Wagar. Your collection need not be antique, or priceless. Mike Corey will be exhibiting his necktie collection. We will begin collecting YOUR collections in May. You need not be a member of the Society to exhibit.

The Museum is open every day except Mondays.
July through Columbus Day Weekend
1PM - 4PM
Phone: (518) 251-2229