"Charmed" is the saga of three sisters: Prue, Piper and Phoebe Halliwell. The story begins when one of the sisters, Phoebe, comes back to the Halliwell House after the death of their Grandmother. This is the very troublesome at first because Phoebe is a "Free Spirit", living one day at a time and appears irresponsible to the oldest sister, Prue.
While the sisters are getting to know one another again, they happen to play with an ouji board. The message they receive keeps directing them to the attic. There they find a mysterious "Book of Shadows" describing three sisters who posess magical powers.
The sister are said to have the powers of "Seeing the future", "Stopping time", and "Moving things with the mind." As the days progress with the sisters each realize that they are the ones written about in the "Book of Shadows" and begin to experiment with their newly found powers.
Prue (Shannon) being the oldest sister attempts to persuade her sisters that their powers should not be used. This creates a lot of friction but as time goes on, their powers attract many evil beings who are out to kill them. More and more it becomes clear that they must use their powers to defend themselves and they are the strongest when they use their powers together; therefore "The Power of Three."