There are five keys to a truly succesfuly,
traffic-generating webpage - and Dragonsweyr can help you with all of them.
Many websites fail to meet the goals of their creator for
one key reason - they had no goals to begin with. Dragonsweyr recognizes that
goals are not merely an option - they are an essential tool for the vitality of
your site. Therefore, Dragonsweyr will help you decide what you want to get out
of your site - and what your customers want to get from you. If you desire,
Dragonsweyr will also meet with you periodically throughout the life of the
site to discuss whether these goals are in fact being met. From these meetings,
Dragonsweyr can assist you in redefining and focusing both your site and your
Do you have something you'd like to say to the world? Or
some really important information that your customers or potential customers
need to hear? Dragonsweyr can digitize any form of informaion for you, whether
you need an article typed from a sheet of notes, or a photograph scannedand
polished. Need some original content written to fill up your site? Dragonsweyr
can write informative briefs, engrossing stories, or interactive demonstrations
to fill up your site - whatever you need.
The design of your page is everything on the Internet. Not
only will it be the first impression your visitors have of you, it may also be
the deciding factor in getting them to come back again. Dragonsweyr can create
polished and professional interfaces with attractive graphics that catch your
viewer's eye. Dragonsweyr realizes that nobody wants to wait for a page to
download, even if the end result may seem to be worth it. All Dragonsweyr pages
load quickly, and use image tags to lay the page out properly even before the
images load.
Interactivity is what separates the World Wide Web from
print design. Using CGI scripts, data can be displayed however your customer
wants to see it. They can also interact with your other customers or you in
real-time chat sessions or ongoing newsgroup style discussions. They can be
entertained through polls, quizzes, and games, or purchase products from you
through on-line shopping carts. Dragonsweyr can assist you in the creation or
location of a CGI script that suits your interactivity needs.
All of the other keys to a website makes a website start
off great, but what will make your customer come back for more? A dynamic site.
A site that changes on a monthly, weekly, or even daily basis will encourage
your customer to come back, generating more traffic for your advertisors or
more sales opportunities for you. Dragonsweyr will be more than happy to
arrange updates for your site, as well as general maintenance sessions or
complete redesigns for a fraction of the original price.