Click here for the other side of this story
This is a totally fictional story, if any of the characters seem like people in the real world, it is purely coincidental. Sorry if it causes any offence. Oh, one last point, I NEVER lie and I'm never sarcastic!!!! :-P
Once upon a time, there was a quiet young man who attended St. Aiden's High School. One day, he was on the computer, checking his mail, when he came accross an odd piece of mail from some mad person that he had never heard of. He knew that the person was mad because their name appeared to be "Am Mad"! He must have been really bored as he decided to reply to this meaningless piece of Spam.
The next day, Am Mad was at school (Rossett, the terrible school!) checking her mail in one of her free periods up at the DT area. She came accross a piece of mail from someone she'd never heard of, the mysterious "66 bloke"! She read the mail wondering who in the world it was from and decided to reply with an odd cryptic message! She introduced herself to 66 bloke in her mail and awaited his reply.
Am Mad and 66 bloke exchanged mails for many days and eventually, one night talked to eachother on the magical Yahoo! Messenger! 66 bloke kept begging Am Mad to call him and gave her his home phone number and mobile number just incase the phone was engaged. Am Mad was a very paranoid person and so refused to call him up. Silly freak!
The next day, they spoke to eacother again and 66 bloke finally convinced Am Mad to call him. So, she called him when he said and the silly b****r had gone out!! She was vaguely annoyed but that didn't matter coz 66 bloke called her back within 15 minutes.
So, finally they got to REALLY speak! They spoke to eachother for about an hour with only one or too interuptions from those annoying people called parents! Anyway, they basically got to know eachother a little bit better.
A few days later 66 bloke and Am Mad spoke again on the wondrous Yahoo! Messenger and 66 bloke suggested that they meet up since they both lived in the same town. Am Mad was a bit concerned about this and so said yes, but they had to go with a group of people. After all, for all she knew, 66 bloke could be an axe murderer!! By the way, if you hadn't guessed, Am Mad is a bit of a freak who is constantly paranoid about EVERYTHING!
Anyway, back to the story. So, that Friday night, Am Mad was stood outside the cinema with her three friends waiting to see the famous 66 bloke! I have no idea what 66 bloke ws thinking as I am not psychic (I am a psycho though!! Hehe!). Anyway, eventually 66 bloke showed up with his 2 friends, no idea who they were! From that moment on, Am Mad couldn't take her eyes off the sexy 66 bloke, she couldn't believe how nice he was!
Anywho, they all went into the cinema to see "The Beach" starring gay boy, Leo DiCaprio! Am Mad was sat beside sexy 66 bloke thinking quietly to herself, wondering what she would do without the internet!!
Anyway, I have no idea what happened in the film, but I do know that Am Mad and sexy 66 bloke did get closer and closer.
ANYWAY! We don't need to go there!
The moral of the story is: "Madness can be a good thing, it depends what kind of madness it is." (You'll understand that if you take english lit. at Rossett or if I have told you! If not, check out this page and it'll make sense!)
If you care, Am Mad and 66 bloke are now VERY happy together.
Congratulations, you've just wasted five minutes of you life!