Act IV Scene II



Those witches are taking their sweet time

I bet they're struggling with a rhyme

I hear the scene is almost through

We should be soon getting our cue

[ Cue MacDonald ]

Come gentlemen, it is time we greet

the man we travelled so far to meet

MacBain :
Avter veeks of valking now ve do know

It vas only akross town zat ve had to go

MacMayer :
The thing that drove me nearly to shoot

is the fact that this castle is on a bus route

MacFudd :
My secwetawy tells me dat you aw at waw

Against MacDavis, your help I implore

MacFudd :
Aw! Dat's too bad, it would have been gweat

If you could have got wid of dose wabbits I hate

MacBain :
Ha,Ha! I tink diz iz almozt too vunny

Zat MacFudd iz sca'd of a cute liddle bunny

Please make no fun of my poor thane's habits

He's had pwobwems of late with these wascawwy wabbits

I seem to wemembew this haiwy tail

Something abowt a most howy gwail

My liege I assure you I don't mean to sermon

But my fwiends and I hunt much larger vermin

MacFudd :
Now why is MacDavis the one dat you hawnt?

He keeps me from opening my restaurant

MacFudd :
A westawaunt, Oh boy! what wiw you serve dere?

Why everything that you can think of whatever

Hot Dogs and burgers, all parts of the heifer

MacFudd :
Pewhaps I could get a widdle hossenpfeffew?

Hossenfeffer? What's hossenfeffer?

MacMayer :
I don't think I have heard of it ever

Of course we will serve your most favourite treat

we can always use sawdust in place of the meat

MacFudd :
My bwessings and sowdiews will help all the more

You can even engage my secwetawy of waw

Thank you my friend, but away you get carried

You see the fact is I'm already married

MacFudd :
MacCheese what da hew is he tawking abowt?

Some East Scottish joke, without a doubt

MacFudd :
Caw MacGwaw, get him ovaw hewe huwwy,

He's da bwitest man in my thanedom, don't wuwwy

MacBain :
I hope he at leest knows vere ve're headed

MacGraw :
I'll do the thinning and dooooon't you forget it

With you by our side, we can do no wrong

MacGraw :
Wait'll you meet my friend El Kabong

MacBain :
I've hurd of dis man, he is grate you can bet

I hope dere's a chance ve can do a duet

Thank you MacFudd, but please one thing more

Where can I find the darned exit door?

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