Act IV Scene III

Lady MacDonald

Lady MacDonald:

I never thought I'd hate the man that I wed

And I'd be lying with the Letterman here in my bed

What reason could I have not to marry MacPenn?

MacDave :
Reasons? Hell I could list my top ten

Lady MacDonald these children at your breast

I wonder how you manage to feed the rest

Lady MacDonald:
Feed them, I can do it with ease

what do you think I do with these?

MacDave :
Ow! I think my eye must be gone

thanks to that cone shaped bra you have on

Lady MacDonald:
Put down that book now and listen to me

My husband always talks of forming Patti

MacDave :
You think he's screwing MacDavis' wife?

I read all her mail, Not on your life!

And as for your book, I'm afraid I'm not able

to put "sex" back down on the coffee table

Lady MacDonald:
You're the first one to look at that book, I do think

MacDave :
I just needed a coaster to use for my drink

What are you thinking? my beautiful flower

Lady MacDonald:
Hey do you ever like to pee in the shower?

MacDave :
Honestly dear, there's no need to mock us

sometimes I think you're just trying to shock us

Lady MacDonald:
Really MacDave, you used to be cool

Now you're a f**king, f**ked up fool

So, f**k I think you're a f**ked up dork

And f**k stop bleeping out the word fork

MacDave :
That's it! this has gone on quite enough

Lady MacDonald:
I'm lighting a cigar, do you want a puff?

MacKid :
Mother, there are people breaking into our house!

MacDave :
Oh No! She's found me here that louse

MacKid :
Can I have your wallet? I see you have plenty

of cash, and you see I need only twenty

MacDave :
I would gladly give you half of it

but, gosh! you know, I have to split

But, because such a money grubber you be

I know there's a position for you at GE [exits]

Lady MacDonald:
Who are these men and why are they here?

Murderer#2 :
Do you happen to have in your fridge any beer?

Murderer#1 :
Don't worry m'am we were after your lover

Say is this you on this record cover?

Lady MacDonald:
Yes, do you like it? what do you say?

Murderer#1 :
I'm afraid that it is sacrifice virgins day

[Slays Lady MacDonald]

Murderer#2 :
Ollie, look at what you have done

The record said `like', didn't you notice the son?

Murderer#1 :
I'm sorry young man, your mom I did slay

I know not how, I can you repay

MacKid :
I was so very fond of whatcha-ma-call-her

But I'll let it go for say fifty dollars

Murderer#1 :
A bargain at that, I paid nearly times four

when I offed the old lady that lived right next door

MacKid :
You Guys are really dumb, did you know?

Do you want me to tell you where you can go?

Murderer#2 :
As long as we're here, Oh what the hell

Some discipline will do the boy well

Murderer#1 :
Wait don't hit him quite so hard

I think he's hidden my credit card

Murderer#2 :
Oops! I wish that I had missed

MacDonald is going to be quite pissed

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