MacDavis :
Hey is this my play or what?MacBrownaughse:All my lines most unseemly cut
I really think that I should know
why my last scene was an act ago
Where is the minstrel I commissioned for a song
I could sing of my wife? How's it coming along?
Call MacManus to come nearMacManus :
Don't scream I am right hereMacDavis :I hope you'll sing this to your dear
I'll play it now so you can hear
Miss MacBeth has a gollywog she chucks under the chin
and she whispers to it tenderly,then sticks it on a pin
And it might be coincidence but a boy down the lane
That she said "went white as he could do", then doubled over in pain
That song gives me a horrible frightMacBrownaughse:but it sure sounds like her all right
That's good enough , I think it will do
[Window breaks]
Hark what break yonder window through?
Aha! my countrymen and other in-laws
have found a supply of food to toss
Ow! why MacDonald that lousy prickMacDavis :now they're throwing cans of KLIK
So that's what in his MacRib goesMacBrownaughse:My wife was eating one of those
Is that sound from some Star Wars wookies?
The Queen my lord has tossed her cookiesMacDavis :I don't wish to change the sheets in that bed
Sorry, my liege I'm afraid that she's dead
An irony that in both worldsMacBrownaughse:food of some kind is being hurled
Tomatoes and tomatoes and tomatoes
Tossed at me in these my salad days
without parsley sage rosemary or thyme
Out, Out, beef lover,
you wont find any there
It's a sore payer who frets when he finds
MacD's serves poor fare
It is a sale, sold by an idiot
filled with empty calories but
nutritionally nothing, if I may so rhyme
With all these vegetables that I'm vexed
I wonder what they will throw next
there is still a way that you can win......MacSipad :
: D'oh! my flunky has landed on been
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