Parody, Shmerody!

Okay, so pretty much every humor page has a parody section, so ya know, we felt as if we should put our junk in!
As of 11-22-99, all of our skits and little stories will be on this page, as well, for your convenience.

The Parodies...

The Dukes of Orlando

The Nair Blimp Project
We're such slackers!  Brandi has not finished Dukes of Orlando as of 11-12.  Isn't that sad?? Yes.  But we added a new one for you. 

Radio Studio-interviews with the boys...

Skits for you...

A little Underwater Madness....

Look, we went through NSYNC Bootcamp!

Geez, there's only two parodies up! You guys suck! Send me back now!!